
General Site Settings

Make your install yours.

All of Statamic’s general site settings are found at the top of your site’s _config/settings.yaml file. These settings control how Statamic acts site-wide.


Listed in the order in which you’ll find them in your settings file.


This is how you’ll apply your license to Statamic.


This sets which translation to use for your Control Panel.


This is the path to where Statamic is installed relative to your website’s document root.


This is the name of your site. Although nothing specifically relies on this setting, it’s often used in your layouts or templates.


The path containing your content files.


This is the full URL to your Statamic install. This is used by Statamic create to permalinks to your content.


This tells Statamic which theme folder to use for displaying your content.


You can choose if you want to use dates and times for entry filenames, or just dates.


This sets the default date format for date tags throughout your site.


This sets the default time format for date tags throughout your site.


This tells PHP and Statamic which timezone your site is located in. Must be one of the values from PHP’s timezone lists.


This is a list of the fields that Statamic should consider to be taxonomies.


When set to true, this will convert spaces in your taxonomy values to hyphens.


This will determine if capitalization matters for your taxonomy values.


This will force all taxonomy values to be lowercase when displayed.


This is how your content will be written (Markdown, Textile, etc.).


This will automatically convert your straight quotes (' and ") into curly quotes (’ and ”)


This will let you write PHP into your templates. It’s best to leave this set to false unless you absolutely need it.


The default location for transformed images. Defaults to assets/img/resized.


The default quality (as a percentage) for transformed images. Defaults to 100.


This can be either strict, transitional, loose, or quick (added in v1.9) based on which YAML spec to parse with.


Added in v1.7.9, you can choose which Markdown parser to use, either standard (default) or parsedown.


This determines which order Statamic parses content and tags.


This will automatically fix pagination values that are too high or too low.


The address from which emails are sent.


Specify which email handler to use to send emails.
By default (leave blank or set to false) Statamic will use native PHP Mail, but also integrates with the following services:


If you’re using an email service (which we highly recommend!) your API key goes here.

Note: Mailgun’s API key is in the format {$domain}:{$API-Key}. An example of that would be email_handler_key: "bjrnskov.mailgun.org:my-secret-api-key"

This article was last updated on September 13th, 2016. Find an error? Please let us know!