

The Redactor fieldtype is a lighting fast, retina-ready WYSIWYG editor fieldtype. It’s lightweight, customizable, and powerful.

Customizing Redactor

The redactor.yaml config file lets you set any of the available Redactor settings to create your default configuration. Most notable are the buttons, colors, and wym options.

You can also set redactor settings on a per-field basis by adding an options array to your field’s config.

Image Browsing, Uploading, and Resizing

When configuring your fieldset, you can set the image_dir setting to tell Redactor where to look for images, allowing you to browse and drop in images from any folder in your site.

In the same manner, you can use file_dir to upload “regular” files.

Additionally, you can choose to resize and/or manipulate all uploaded images. If you don’t add a resize option everything will be uploaded “as-is”. Available (optional) parameters:

  • width: Maxiumum width
  • height: Maximum height
  • quality: Between 1 and 100 (default is 75)
  • upsize: Whether to blow up an image to fit the desired image specs (defaults to false)
  display: Content
  type: redactor
  image_dir: assets/img/
    width: 500
    height: 300
    quality: 60
    upsize: false
      - bold
      - italic

This article was last updated on September 13th, 2016. Find an error? Please let us know!