

Create a sentence-like list of taxonomy links using ampersands.

The _sentence_list shortcut will turn a taxonomy list into a sentence-like list of linked values using ampersands instead of “and.”

If the list contains one item, this will return just that item. If the list contains two items, this will return both items with an ampersand between them. If the list contains three or more items, this will return a comma-separated list with an ampersand before the last item.

Sample Usage


  - technology
  - zoology
  - survival skills


{{ categories_ampersand_sentence_url_list }}

Displayed Result

<a href="/blog/categories/technology">technology</a>,
<a href="/blog/categories/zoology">zoology</a> &
<a href="/blog/categories/survival-skills">survival skills</a>

This article was last updated on March 30th, 2016. Find an error? Please let us know!