
Updating Statamic

Updating Statamic is easier than installing it.

Keeping Statamic up-to-date will ensure that you have the fastest and most reliable version available.

Knowing when to update

If you’re using the Control Panel, your current version is displayed at the very bottom of each page. When there is an update available, a small notification will appear down there as well.

If you’re not using the Control Panel, you can find your current version at the top of _app/autoload.php on line 3.

Stay in the loop

We announce new versions via Twitter, and major releases by email. You can also see what the current version is on our changelog, including what’s changed.

Performing a core update

While you’re building websites, we’re hard at work adding new features, squishing bugs, and optimizing Statamic to be fast and reliable. There are going to be times when you’ll want to update your copy of Statamic to the latest version. Luckily, this process is painless.

Follow these steps to update your copy of Statamic:

  1. Download & unzip the newest version zip file from your account
  2. Replace your _app and admin folders with the ones from the new zip file

That’s it. You’re updated.

Note: Whenever you update Statamic, you’ll also want to review the included settings.yaml file for any new settings that you might want to take advantage of, or any new bundle configs (though we’ll usually mention them in a release note). All settings have defaults, so your site won’t break if you’re missing anything.

Updating add-ons

You may also find that your add-ons need to be updated. In that event, you’ll want to download the latest copy and replace their respective folder in your _add-ons directory.

Updating to 1.9

In addition to the normal things, you’ll also need to replace your index.php and admin.php files. We made them smarter. Enjoy!

Updating from before v1.7.8

The html_caching bundle was added in this release. When updating, be sure to also copy the _config/bundles/html_caching folder into your site’s _config/bundles folder. (If you forget to do this, everything will still work, but you won’t be able to turn HTML caching on.)

Updating from before v1.7

Statamic slightly changed how some files are organized and the files that come included in your _config folder in v1.7. If you’re using v1.6.7 or earlier and are upgrading to v1.7 or later, you’ll need to move and replace a couple more files:

  1. Download & unzip the newest version zip file from your downloads
  2. Replace your _app and admin folders with the ones from the new zip file
  3. Copy _config/bundles and hooks.yaml to your _config folder
  4. Add-ons are slightly different now, we’ve moved all of the core “add-on” functionality that comes with Statamic into the _app folder (those are now called bundles); move your configurations for location, color, redactor and such into their appropriate configuration files within _config/bundles, and delete the old ones from your _add-ons folder

There are also a few new settings you might want to take advantage of:

  • _enable_http_caching will send the last modified and expire headers allowing you to take advantage of browser caching. It won’t work in every situation (e.g. when you need session/cookie data), so read more about it before using it.
  • _enable_static_pipeline The static pipeline was only ever intended for development purposes, so you may decide to just turn this feature off. It will be deprecated and removed from core in the near future.

Updating from before v1.5

Statamic changed the list of files that needed updating at v1.5. If you’re using v1.4.2 or earlier and are upgrading to v1.5 or later, you’ll need to replace a couple more files:

  1. Download & unzip the newest version zip file from your downloads
  2. Replace your _app and admin folders with the ones from the new zip file
  3. Replace the index.php and admin.php files in your document root

You only need step three if you’re going from a version before v1.5 to v1.5 (or later). Moving forward, you can follow the standard updating instructions above.

Next Steps

This article was last updated on September 13th, 2016. Find an error? Please let us know!