The MonthlyFirehose
May, 2022
Things are heating up here at Statamic HQ!
Spring isn't the only thing bringing the heat. We've been busy laying plans and collaborating with some of our trusted partners to bring Statamic to the next level.
While we can't share everything yet, our public roadmap has some exciting new items on it – including Bard 2.0 (using TipTap2).
What's new in Statamic
April's Progress & Pulse
Last month we closed 69 issues, merged 72 pull requests, and shipped 6 releases.
From the Changelog
While we had no major releases in the last month, our regular updates have included quite a few enhancements worth mentioning.
- Dynamically manipulated images with Glide and can now be stored on any filesystem. This means you can store your assets and their resized versions on S3 or other remote systems.
- Glide now supports watermarking your images, making photographers all over shout with joy.
- The new Runtime Antlers Parser has gotten even more stable and performant, bringing it one step closer to replacing the aging the Regex Parser.
- The Markdown fieldtype now supports spellchecking.
Statamic Tutorials
Jonas Siewerston recently launched Statamic Tutorials, a site full of great video resources on learning Statamic. Go check it out!
Newest Addons
New Site Launches
There are so sites launching lately it's hard to keep track of them all. Here's everything we could find announced in all the usual places.
Have you built a Statamic site recently you'd like to show off? Reply to this email and let us know about it!
New Articles, Blog Posts, and Videos