
Installing Statamic

Get Statamic running on your server.

Follow these steps after unzipping the Statamic folder you’ve downloaded from your account.

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Installing Statamic

Standard “installation”

This will install Statamic into your website’s document root.

  1. Copy the files within into your website’s document root
  2. Enable your .htaccess file by renaming the included sample.htaccess file to .htaccess. Or, write your own if you know what you’re doing.
  3. Make sure that the following folders are writable (depending on your server this will be chmod 755 or 777):
    • _cache — this one’s a must
    • _logs — if you want to enable message logging
    • _content & _config/users — if you want to use the Control Panel

You will probably also want to make your assets folder (or whatever location you store any images you plan to resize) writable.

Statamic has now been installed. Simple as that.

From here, we highly recommend that you secure your installation. (It will also pretty-up your URLs.)

Running in a subdirectory

The below steps assume that your subdirectory is a folder named statamic. You can use any folder you’d like, so when following directions, update your folder name accordingly.

  1. Copy the files within into your /statamic/ subdirectory
  2. Make sure that the following folders are writable by the server:
    • _cache — this one’s a must
    • _logs — if you want to enable message logging
    • _content & _config/users — if you want to use the Control Panel
  3. Update _site_root in your _config/settings.yaml file to reflect the correct subdirectory: _site_root: /statamic/
  4. Rename sample.htaccess to .htaccess
  5. Update the RewriteBase rule on line 6 of your .htaccess file to reference to the folder Statamic is running in: RewriteBase /statamic/

Visit it in your browser and you should see your site.

From here, we recommend that you secure your installation. (It will also pretty-up your URLs.)

Next Steps

This article was last updated on September 13th, 2016. Find an error? Please let us know!