Getting Support

Here's how to get the support you need, depending on who you are and what you need help with.

Official Support PRO

If you're a developer and have a code or template related question, or need help with a technical issue, head to your Account > Sites area and open a support request for the appropriate site.

Go Open a Support Request

Community Support

Maybe you lack a Pro License with included support or prefer real-time connections. Either way, visit our Discord chat. Remember β€” helpers are volunteers, so please be kind.

Head to Discord

Enterprise Support

If you're interested in an Enterprise or Priority SLA (Service Level Agreement) and/or onboarding training, please contact us for more details. We have a lot of options depending on your needs.

Contact Us

Pre-Sales Questions

Got a question before you buy? Need volume licensing, an educational or non-profit discount, or are unclear whether Statamic will be able to handle your project? Send us an email!

Ask a Pre-Sales Question

Submit a Bug Report

If you've found a recreatable issue in Statamic, we would appreciate it if you could open an Issue on GitHub.

Open a GitHub Issue

Can't Sign Into Your Site?

We do not have access to your site.

If you're not a developer and you're trying to sign into your Statamic Control Panel but running into issues, you'll need to contact a Super Admin or developer who helped set the site up.