
Using the Dashboard

Welcome your site administrators.

The Control Panel comes with an optional and customizable dashboard that you can use to greet site admins. It’s turned off by default, but you can enable it, choose it as the start page, and add whatever HTML you’d like to it rather easily.

Turning It On

Open up your general site settings file, and follow these steps:

  1. Find the _admin_nav list
  2. Set dashboard to true

Setting It as the Start Page

Open up your general site settings file, and follow this step:

  1. Set _admin_start_page to dashboard

Editing Dashboard Content

In your _config folder you should find a dashboard.yaml file. Within this file are two variables: dashboard_main_content and dashboard_sidebar_content. Edit these with whatever HTML you’d like to show up on the dashboard.

This article was last updated on September 13th, 2016. Find an error? Please let us know!