
The Syntax

What a tag looks like.

All Statamic tags are delimited by double curly braces: {{ }}. Whitespace before or after the braces is allowed in most cases. The braces, however, must stay together.

All of these are examples of valid Statamic tags:

{{ stag }}  # our favorite way
{{stag }}
{{ stag}}

These tags are not valid:

{{ st ag }}  # don't use spaces within the tag name
{ {stag} }   # curly braces *must* stay together

Tags are Case Sensitive

Tags in Statamic are all case sensitive, meaning that {{ title }} and {{ Title }} are two completely separate tags.

All of Statamic’s functionality where it uses variables that you’ve set to do something (for example, title to name your pages, or _layout and _template to change the look of your page) will be looking for all-lowercase names.

When defining your tags, we recommend only using lowercase variable names so that you don’t get confused later on.

This article was last updated on September 13th, 2016. Find an error? Please let us know!