
Development Settings

Develop & debug more efficiently.

The second section of Statamic’s _config/settings.yaml file contains toggles for debugging and development.


Listed in the order in which you’ll find them in your settings file.


This allows you to define all of your site’s possible environments. This setting expects a named list, each key of which contains a simple list of URL patterns.


Setting this to true will enable message logging on your site.


Determines the least-serious level of message that should be written to the log.


This is the path to where you want to store your log files. If you start this path with a /, you can define your path to be anywhere on your server. Otherwise, this path will be relative to the document root.


This is the prefix used as the filename for each of your log files. If you run multiple Statamic installs on one server, it may be helpful to store all of your logs for all sites in one folder. If you do that, changing this value will become useful so that you can identify each site’s log file.


Added in v1.7.9, when set to true, Statamic will render a debug panel at the bottom of all public pages.

This article was last updated on September 13th, 2016. Find an error? Please let us know!