The Newsroom → Community → Nov 1st, 2022
Advanced Deployment Course by Jonas
Advanced Deployment Course by Jonas
Jonas Siewertsen from Speigel just launched a brand new, premium course on advanced deployments with Statamic.

Today Jonas Siewertsen, one of the developers from Spiegel, released his first premium (paid) video course on Statamic deployments. It contains 20 videos covering a wide range of in-depth details, including:
- Server setup with Forge and Ploi
- Speed and Image optimization
- Automated deployments with GitHub Actions
- Static Site Generation
- Caching methods
And of course, a lot more. Jonas is no stranger to scaling Statamic sites — having been a part of highly respected agency before joining Spiegel and helping to run the largest Statamic site on the planet.
I'm probably going to take this course myself, there's always something new to learn.
So go check it out! It's 59€, which I'm sure is a steal for that level of expertise. He also has a bunch of free Statamic tutorials as well, so be sure to check them out.