
Statamic Branding

While Statamic is a playful brand with a distinctly casual attitude, we're a serious business. We try to manage that balance carefully.

Download the Brand Kit

About the Statamic Brand

We draw a lot of inspiration from the late 80s and early 90s — the last simple time in history. At least it feels that way, looking back — before the internet and modern technology boomed and changed everything. We like to think that the Statamic brand is a nod to that era, representing simplicity, experimentation, and optimism in technology. Not to mention vaporwave.

We're part MTV from the 80s, part Nickelodeon, and part Apple from the early days of Steve Jobs. Yeah yeah, wishful thinking, but we can wish how we wish.

Brand Usage

Our brand is a big part of who we are, and we want to make sure it's used in a way that's consistent with our values and mission. We've put together these guidelines to help you use our brand name and elements in a way that's consistent with our brand identity and doesn't cause any confusion.

Please don't use the Statamic name or logos in any way that could mistakenly imply any official connection with or endorsement of Statamic LLC. Any use of the Statamic name or logos in a manner that could cause customer confusion is not permitted.

This includes naming a product or service in a way that emphasizes the Statamic brand as a posessive noun like "Statamic Themes" or "Statamic Swag", as well as in domain names like "statamickits.com".

Instead, please use your own brand name in a way that clearly distinguishes it from Statamic. Examples include "PowerKits for Statamic" or "From WordPress to Statamic".

Please don't edit, recolor, or wangjangle the brand elements. There are plenty of variations to work with.

Additionally, please do not use our brand names or logos for resale on clothing, stickers, or other merchandise without explicit written consent.

The Mark

The Statamic Mark marries a traditional application icon squircle shape, the letter S, and a pair of curly braces as a nod to our template language, Antlers, that uses curly braces to represent variable and tags.

The Statamic Mark in Lime

The Logo

The Statamic logo's word mark is set in Circe Rounded Bold, and its x-height is exactly 54% of the height of the S Mark. In case you were curious.

On Light

When the logo is placed on a light background, use the lime logo as long as the color doesn't clash too much with where it's going. The pink or black logos are acceptable as fallbacks.

The Statamic Logo in Lime
The Statamic Logo in Hot Pink
The Statamic Logo in Black

On Dark

When the logo is placed on a dark background, use the lime mark with white wordmark whenever possible. If there are color/contrast issues, you can fall back to all-lime or all-white.

Honestly, we're fine with nearly any color on dark if you're using a flat one-color variation — as long as it enhances the end design.

The Statamic Logo in Lime & White
The Statamic Logo in Lime
The Statamic Logo in White

Brand Colors

Our brand colors are a mix of bright, bold, playful, and serious. Different areas of the site have feature different colors more prominently. For example, the Marketplace uses purples extensively, while the informational or marketing pages lean more into tan and lime.

Hot Pink