The Newsroom Nov 14th, 2022

New Laracasts Series — Learn Statamic with Jack

New Laracasts Series — Learn Statamic with Jack

Today Laracasts launched its latest Creator Series on Statamic, created by Jack McDade!

Jack McDade 1 min read

Today Laracasts launches its latest Creator Series on Statamic, created by yours truly!

In this series — in addition to learning the Statamic basics — we'll get into building add-ons, starter kits, and even pop the hood and explore just how all the flat file Statamic Magic works.

This course features 3 hours of brand new content across 22 episodes, and even covers how to get Statamic running on a MySQL database in less than 5 minutes. The first 17 videos are free while the last 5 (the "Tasty Extras") require a Laracasts subscription (money well spent even if this course wasn't on there).

I hope you find it informative and entertaining!