The Newsroom → Events → Aug 26th, 2021
Statameet 2021
Statameet 2021
What started as a regional meetup/mini-conference in Flensburg, Germany hosted by Jonas Siewertsen from visuellverstehen has over the past few months morphed into what has become a semi-official, online Statamic conference.
Back in January when the plans began, Jonas (and the rest of world) had hoped the COVID-19 situation would be in the rearview mirror by September. Since you're a human on this planet along with the rest of us, you know that isn't yet the case, especially when it comes to crossing borders.
So while we're all hoping that day will come soon and we do more things like travel the world, meet in person, and do full-blown conferences, Jonas decided the best thing to do is make this mini-conference online-only. And once an event goes online-only, the world becomes the audience.
So, next month — on September 16th — you can join in and be a part of the first real Statamic mini-conference. There are 6 coordinated talks covering 5 different angles of Statamic development — kickstarting new projects, better debugging, building addons, deploying, and performance optimization. The final of the 6 talks will be me talking about the future of Statamic.
You can checkout all the details, the schedule, and see who all the speakers are on Tickets are €19, and the money goes to covering the cost of the software needed to run an online conference, which isn't cheap.
If you or someone you know can't afford to attend but would like to, please let me know, I'm happy to sponsor some folks and a few other Statamic Partners have said they would do the same. Don't let cost be an issue!
Hopefully we'll see you (or more like — you'll see us) there!