John Koster
Shop Est. 2018
Hi there! My name is John, and I develop Statamic and Laravel related things outside of the full-time dev job and family things. I developed Meerkat 2 - a Statamic 3 comments platform. em: [email protected]
John Koster
Makes it a breeze to integrate Blade & Livewire components using familiar syntax, and provides new options for constructing "partial components."
John Koster
Allows you to extend arbitrary layouts and pass data to your template's layouts.
John Koster
Documentation Search provides a custom Statamic search provider focused on making it easier to index documentation-heavy websites where each entry may have multiple sections that should be indexed separately.
John Koster
Provides bi-directional entry relationship automation
John Koster
Meerkat 3 is an extremely powerful, yet easy-to-use comment platform for Statamic 4. Meerkat allows designers and developers to easily build comment threads into their existing projects, allowing them to retain their user engagement data.
John Koster
Search Report for Statamic is a simple Control Panel and utility addon that allows you to log searches made on your site, and view them within Statamic's Control Panel.
John Koster
Site Essentials for Statamic is a Statamic addon that aims to make it simpler to rapidly develop websites.
John Koster
Social Media Image Kit provides a framework to help generate social media images for collection entries using Antlers or Blade templates.