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Statamic Courses


You'll need both of these packages in your Statamic project:

  • Statamic Courses Starter Kit (a free starter kit)
  • Statamic Courses Addon (a paid addon)

Note: by installing the starter kit you will automatically install the addon.

Installing from scratch

To create a Statamic project from scratch using the Courses starter kit and Statamic CLI:

statamic new my-site anthonygore/statamic-courses-starter-kit

Add to an existing project

To add the starter kit to an existing Statamic project:

php please starter-kit:install anthonygore/statamic-courses-starter-kit

Key content types


Courses are a collection type. You can manage courses exactly like any other Statamic collection from the control panel or via YAML files.

A notable field in the courses collection is lessons. This is an ordered array of lesson entries.


Like courses, lessons are a collection type that you can manage from the control panel or via YAML files.

A common customization of the lessons content type is to add a video field where you can add a Youtube URL or Vimeo IDs, etc.

A notable field in the lessons collection is course. You need to select one (and only one) course for the lesson to belong to.


Students are simply Statamic users with the student role.

There are two notable fields on the user model for students:

  • enrollments an array of courses the student is enrolled in
  • completed_lessons an array of lessons the student has completed


Students must enroll in a course to be able to see lesson content, complete lessons, etc.

Out of the box, students will be enrolled in a course for free after they click the "Enroll" button on a course.

However, you can customize the enrollment flow to allow your courses to be paid, part of a membership, etc.

Free enrollment (default)

In the starter kit, you'll see we've provided a controller called CourseController (found in app/Http/Controllers).

When a student clicks the "Enroll" button on a course, the enroll method of this controller is evoked.

The boilerplate logic in this method will enroll a student directly in a course. This is done by calling the enroll method of the CourseService class:

$courseService = new CourseService($user, $course_id);

Paid enrollment

If you want students to pay for your courses, you'll need to edit the enroll method in CourseController.

For example, you might store the user's ID in a session token, redirect to Stripe, then enroll the student once they're redirected back to the site after a successful purchase.

This part is up to you!

Student authentication

Your admin users will log in or out via the control panel. But users with the student role must instead use the auth pages we provide in the frontend.

You will find the templates for these auth views in the starter kit frontend.

To see a list of the auth routes we provide for students run this command:

artisan route:list --name=courses.auth


The starter kit contains Antlers templates for the key aspects of your online course. You can, of course, customize these to your own unique design and UX.

See resources/views in the starter kit.


One of the core features of this package is the custom tags we provide so you can add course functionality to your frontend.

course_info tag

The course_info tag provides dynamic functionality to your course pages.


Returns true or false if the user is enrolled in the specified course.

Return: bool


  • id string the course ID.


{{ if {course_info:is_enrolled id="{{ id }}"} }}
<p>Only enrolled students can see this!</p>
{{ else }}
<p>Please enroll in this course</p>
{{ /if }}


Returns a value between 0 and 1 representing course progress (i.e. completed lessons divided by total lessons).

Return: float


  • id string the course ID.


<p>You have completed {{ {course_info:progress id="{{ id }}"} | multiply:100 | round:0 }}% of this course.</p>


Returns the URL of the next lesson.

Return: string


  • id string the course ID.


<a href="{{ course_info:next_lesson_url id='{{ id }}' }}">
Resume your course


Returns the position of the next lesson i.e. if the next lesson is the 4th lesson of the course this will return 4.

Return: int


  • id string the course ID.


<a href="{{ course_info:next_lesson_url id='{{ id }}' }}">
Get started on lesson {{ course_info:next_lesson_rank id="{{ id }}" }}

lesson_info tag

The lesson_info tag provides dynamic functionality to your lesson pages.


Returns completion status of lesson.

Return: bool


  • id string the lesson ID.


<p>This lesson is {{ {lesson_info:is_complete id="{{ id }}"} ? 'complete' : 'incomplete' }}</p>


The following endpoints will trigger a specific action when the endpoint is requested.

Begin enrollment

Route: GET /enroll/{course_id}

Handled by the enroll method of CourseController.


<form action="/enroll/{{ id }}" method="GET">
<button type="submit">Enroll now</button>

Mark lesson complete

Route: GET /complete_lesson/{lesson_id}

Will mark the lesson complete and redirect the user to the next lesson.


<form action="/complete_lesson/{{ id }}" method="GET">
<button type="submit">Complete this lesson and continue</button>