Aryeh Raber

Logplus Documentation

Aryeh Raber


  1. Copy the Logplus folder into site/addons/.
  2. That's it!

Note: If you're planning on using the Controller endpoint, make sure to either submit the CSRF token as part of your request, or whitelist Logplus in site/settings/system.yaml:

  - '/!/Logplus/*'


By default, messages will be logged using the debug severity level:


{{ logplus message="My debug message" }}

Controller'/!/Logplus/log', { message: 'My debug message' })

Log file output

[timestamp] environment.DEBUG: My debug message

To bump up the severity level, pass in the level:


Either use the level option, or use the shorthand syntax:

{{ logplus level="error" message="Something bad happened" }}

{{ logplus:error message="Something bad happened" }}

Controller'/!/Logplus/log', { level: 'error', message: 'Something bad happened' })

Log file output

[timestamp] environment.ERROR: Something bad happened

Add additional data by using the context option:


To pass an array of items, use a pipe-delimited list:

{{ logplus message="My debug message" context="foo|bar|baz" }}

To pass an associative array, use colons to create key/value pairs:

{{ logplus message="My debug message" context="foo:bar|baz:qux" }}

To pass multiple items to a single key, use multiple colons, everything after the first value will be set inside an array:

{{ logplus message="My debug message" context="data:foo:bar:baz" }}


To pass an array of items, use an array:'/!/Logplus/log', { message: 'My debug message', context: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] })

To pass an associative array, use an object:'/!/Logplus/log', { message: 'My debug message', context: { foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux' } })

To pass multiple items to a single key, use an array inside an object:'/!/Logplus/log', { message: 'My debug message', context: { data: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] } })

Log file output

[timestamp] environment.DEBUG: My debug message ["foo","bar","baz"]
[timestamp] environment.DEBUG: My debug message {"foo":"bar","baz":"qux"}
[timestamp] environment.DEBUG: My debug message {"data":["foo","bar","baz"]}


Name Type Default Description
level String debug Set the severity level of the log message (available levels: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency).
message String null The message that will be logged.
context Array null Additional contextual data as an array, associative array or object.