
Aardvark SEO Release Notes



June 3rd, 2024

  • New Add support for Statamic 5
  • New Replaced Webpack with Vite


January 29th, 2024


June 1st, 2023


June 1st, 2023

  • New Add statamic/cms dependency


October 18th, 2022

  • Fix Fix regression where footer/body tags didn't return anything when using the regex parser


October 17th, 2022

  • [FIX] Fix compatibility with GraphQL (#133)
  • [FIX] Fix view issues (#143)


June 24th, 2022

  • Fix Marketing settings not pulling through to the head tag. Thanks @GertTimmerman


June 8th, 2022

  • Fix Swap view() with View::make to prevent the page data from being augmented (Thanks @jackwakefield)


June 6th, 2022

  • Fix Fix compatibility with Statamic 3.2.x when generating content defaults
  • New Allow for antlers usage in meta_title (Thanks @xuneXTW)


May 24th, 2022

  • Fix Fix collection/taxonomy fixes in content defaults - Thanks @MrTammer (#132)
  • Fix Fix content defaults not parsing antlers tags (#129)
  • Fix Fix the issue where an error would be thrown if the social URL field was blank (#130)


April 27th, 2022

  • Fix Resolve an issue with taxonomy/collection mappings for Sitemaps introduced in Statamic 3.3 as a result of certain properties returning augmented values.
  • [chore] Update frontend dependencies


April 13th, 2022

  • Fix Use SVG code for custom redirects navigation rather than custom blade template (fixes #123)
  • Fix Register Aardvark's events with the Statamic Git system (fixes #125)
  • docs Add documentation for getting the git integration working for the Aardvark content


March 22nd, 2022

  • Fix Ensure that hreflang tags aren't present for draft pages (#111)
  • Fix Remove custom XML attributes to fix GSC namespace error (#113)
  • Fix Fix 3.3.x compatibility by parsing last_modified in Schema (#119) Thanks @xuneXTW!
  • Fix Improve sitemap items filtering to ensure localized values without an explicit no_index_page value will attempt to inherit it from their origin (#112)
  • Fix Update utilised node version to v14.19.0 and update frontend dependencies


December 16th, 2021

  • Fix Prevent hreflang tags being added for locales in which the content doesn't exist (Fixes #107)


December 2nd, 2021

  • [Fix] Fix issue where localized entries/terms were excluded from the sitemap due to the query builder filtering them out
  • [Fix] Fix an issue where the sitemap cache wasn't invalidated correctly if the editor's selected locale was different to the value returned from Site::current()


November 26th, 2021

  • New Optimize hreflang code to improve performance when working with many many sites.


November 25th, 2021

  • [Fix] Revert change to the way that the site locale tag is added


November 23rd, 2021

  • New Add self-referencing hreflang tag
  • Fix Ensure blueprint fields are added when running SSG
  • Fix Ensure the og:locale tag is output when manually calling the aardvark head tag (Thanks @jbreuer95)
  • [chore] Update vue-loader
  • [chore] Update frontend dependencies


September 22nd, 2021

  • Fix Fix issue where SEO tab isn't available until entries/terms have been created (fixes #93)
  • Fix Remove reliance on site being set by Statamic in the cascade when fetching Aardvark settings. This fixes the issue where setting a field in a blueprint to site caused an error.


August 26th, 2021

  • Fix Set antlers to true for meta description fields (#94) - thanks @jsblair9


June 22nd, 2021

  • New Add functionality for mapping taxonomies to collections in order to generate collection-specific term URLs for sitemaps (#78)
  • Fix Check whether entries/terms contain a redirect key before adding them to the sitemap (#89)
  • Fix Make absolute-ly sure that sitemap URLs are absolute (by running their absoluteUrl() value through URL::makeAbsolute)


June 17th, 2021

  • Fix Fall back to using the origin title when generating mutisite breadcrumbs schema (Thanks @moritzlang)


May 21st, 2021

  • Fix Ensure canonical URLs are absolute before pulling them into sitemaps (#89)


April 11th, 2021

  • Fix Fix optional parameter warnings in PHP 8


March 11th, 2021

  • New Parse antlers variables in meta titles


February 23rd, 2021

  • Fix [PHP 8] Amend RedirectsRepository to make $site optional with a fallback to Site::current()


February 5th, 2021


January 25th, 2021

  • New Add config options to docs
  • Fix Fix multisite breadcrumb generation
  • Fix Update frontend dependencies
  • Fix Fix error that occurs if no social icons have been set up


December 23rd, 2020

  • Fix Set a default title for 404 pages


December 18th, 2020

  • Bump version


December 18th, 2020

  • New Fix dependabot dependencies
  • Fix Fix issue with multisite subfolder installations not redirecting to a localised target
  • New Add information to docs about redirects being relative


December 8th, 2020


December 4th, 2020

  • Fix Prevent SEO blueprint fields being added to the blueprint editor
  • Fix Fix permissions issue if a user does not have access to the "general" settings


November 30th, 2020

  • Fix Name sitemap routes to fix artisan optimize command
  • Fix Add social section permissions
  • Fix Update redirects permission name when generating nav
  • New Update documentation with additional vendor:publish step when installing via composer

Thanks @aerni for spotting these


November 27th, 2020

  • New Full compatibility with Statamic V3
  • Break This will not work in Statamic V2 (for that code please see the v1 branch