Advanced Maps Icon

Advanced Maps

Advanced Maps Main Screenshot

Maps on your website don't have to be boring 😎

Use Advanced Maps and embed a beautiful πŸ’– Maps on your website. Supports Google Maps and Mapbox πŸ™Œ.

Config after installation:

  1. Depending on which map provider you want to use, follow Google Maps setup or Mapbox setup (described below).
  2. Render {{ advanced_maps }} among other <script /> tags on your page
  3. Create a new Fieldset. Add AdvancedMaps field into it.
  4. Remember your Field Variable. It's your map's name and you need this in next steps.
  5. Create a page that uses your newly created Fieldset.
  6. Customize a map to your preferences.
  7. Render your map like this: {{ your_map_name | advanced_maps }}.

Google Maps setup

  1. Provide Google API key in addon settings. How do I get my API key?
  2. In Google Cloud Platform Console enable Maps Javascript API and Geocoding API
  3. ⚠️ Note: usage of this addon most likely will generate some cost in Google Cloud Platform. Make sure you know their pricing plans before continuing.

Mapbox setup

  1. From your Mapbox account copy Access token and paste it into the addon settings.

Customizing a theme 🎨


  1. Go to Snazzy Maps
  2. Pick a color pallete you like
  3. Paste the JAVASCRIPT STYLE ARRAY into the Styles texarea. The text you paste should start with [ character and end with ].


  1. Go to Mapbox Studio
  2. Create a style you like
  3. Click share at the top right
  4. Copy Your style URL and paste it into the Styles input.

Feeling stucked? Hit me up on [email protected], we'll jump on a Hangout call and figure it out together. I'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions as well.