Webmentions Icon


Webmentions Main Screenshot

A custom tag for Statamic v3

What is this?

As per https://webmention.io/,

webmention.io is an open-source project and hosted service for receiving webmentions and pingbacks on behalf of your indieweb site.

Which is a fancy way of saying after signing up for this service, you can easily add the following snippets to your website in order to collect mentions/pingbacks (be sure to replace <username> with your, well, username ๐Ÿ˜….

<link rel="webmention" href="https://webmention.io/<username>/webmention" />
<link rel="pingback" href="https://webmention.io/<username>/xmlrpc" />

Assuming you've done so, this plugin gives to you a {{ webmentions }} tag that you can use in your Statamic site to display those collected mentions and pingbacks!


composer require mattrothenberg/webmentions

Demo ๐Ÿš€

The sky's the limit when it comes to how you present your Webmention data! Here's a demo of the example Vue component found in this repo!. Beware the component assumes you have Tailwind and v-tooltip installed.


Usage (Antlers)

This addon exposes a new tag called webmentions. Use it as follows, making sure to pass a url parameter.

{{webmentions url="https://mattrothenberg.com/"}}
{{ if no_results }}
<p>No results.</p>
{{ else }}
<p>Total: {{mentions|length}}</p>
{{ url }}
{{ author }}
{{ name }}
{{ /author }}
{{ /if }}

Usage (Vue)

If you want to pipe the mentions data to a Vue component, here's how.

{{ webmentions url="https://sebastiandedeyne.com/" }}
{{ if no_results }}
<p>No results.</p>
{{ else }}
<mention-list :mentions="{{ mentions | json | entities }}"></mention-list>
{{ /webmentions }}

Mentions Schema

Each mention object exposes the following attributes that you can access in your template.

Learn more at Webmention.io

"type": "entry",
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Tantek ร‡elik",
"url": "http://tantek.com/",
"photo": "http://tantek.com/logo.jpg"
"url": "http://tantek.com/2013/112/t2/milestone-show-indieweb-comments-h-entry-pingback",
"published": "2013-04-22T15:03:00-07:00",
"wm-received": "2013-04-25T17:09:33-07:00",
"wm-id": 900,
"content": {
"text": "Another milestone: @eschnou automatically shows #indieweb comments with h-entry sent via pingback http://eschnou.com/entry/testing-indieweb-federation-with-waterpigscouk-aaronpareckicom-and--62-24908.html",
"html": "Another milestone: <a href=\"https:\/\/twitter.com\/eschnou\">@eschnou<\/a> automatically shows #indieweb comments with h-entry sent via pingback <a href=\"http:\/\/eschnou.com\/entry\/testing-indieweb-federation-with-waterpigscouk-aaronpareckicom-and--62-24908.html\">http:\/\/eschnou.com\/entry\/testing-indieweb-federation-with-waterpigscouk-aaronpareckicom-and--62-24908.html<\/a>"
"mention-of": "https://indieweb.org/",
"wm-property": "mention-of",
"wm-private": false


  • Add fancy Vue component example
  • Expose method that talks to https://webmention.io/api/count, thereby getting a breakdown of the types of mentions.