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Sendcloud for simple commerce

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Add the possibility to create shipments with Sendcloud directly from Statamic with Simple Commerce. You can directly download the label and mark the order as shipped.

Get shipping methods

First you have to select the shipping methods to be used in your webshop from Sendcloud. Just run the following command to choose.

php artisan sendcloud:generate-shipping-methods

Add action to CP

If you want to create a label and marked an order as shipped add the following action to your application:

namespace App\Actions;
use DoubleThreeDigital\SimpleCommerce\Facades\Order;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use RayNl\SendcloudForSimpleCommerce\Services\SendcloudService;
use Statamic\Actions\Action;
use Statamic\Contracts\Entries\Entry;
class DownloadLabel extends Action
public function visibleTo($item)
if ($item instanceof Entry) {
return $item->collection->handle === 'orders';
return false;
public function visibleToBulk($items)
return false;
public function download($items, $values)
foreach ($items as $item) {
$shippingMethod = new ($item->shipping_method->first())();
if ($shippingMethod->getSendCloudId() !== null) {
if (!Storage::exists("labels/{$item->order_number}/label-{$item->order_number}.pdf")) {
if ($item->sendcloud_id !== null) {
$sendcloud = new SendcloudService();
Storage::put('labels/' . $item->order_number . '/label-' . $item->order_number . '.pdf', $sendcloud->createLabelPdf());
return storage_path("app/labels/{$item->order_number}/label-{$item->order_number}.pdf");