Series Eight

Automagic Documentation

Series Eight


1) Firstly, copy Automagic into site/addons/.

2) Well, this is awkward... there's no step 2.


Inside an email template, use the {{ automagic }} tag pair to loop over the available data from the submission.


Name Description Example
exclude A pipe-delimited list of variables to exclude. {{ automagic exclude="name\|email" }}
remove_empty Remove empty fields from being output. {{ automagic remove_empty="true" }}


Name Description
key Formset field key.
value Form submission value.
display A titlized version of the key for display purposes.

Note: The submission ID and Date are automatically appended.



{{ automagic }}
{{ display }}: {{ value }}
{{ /automagic }}
{{ automagic }}
  <strong>{{ display }}:</strong> {{ value }}
{{ /automagic }}

Submission Data

name: Michael Scott
company: Dunder Mifflin
position: Regional Manager
address: 1725 Slough Avenue, Scranton, PA


Name: Michael Scott
Company: Dunder Mifflin
Position: Regional Manager
Address: 1725 Slough Avenue, Scranton, PA
ID: 1541603055.1894
Date: November 7th, 2018
  <strong>Name:</strong> Michael Scott
  <strong>Company:</strong> Dunder Mifflin
  <strong>Position:</strong> Regional Manager
  <strong>Address:</strong> 1725 Slough Avenue, Scranton, PA
  <strong>ID:</strong> 1541603055.1894
  <strong>Date:</strong> November 7th, 2018

Example Templates

Full template based on Postmark Transactional Email Templates.