Toni Suarez

UTM Parameter Release Notes

Toni Suarez


July 6th, 2024

What's new

This release introduces a new Facade for the UtmParameter class, making it easier to utilize UTM parameters in your Statamic application without requiring middleware.

Using the UtmParameter Facade

Now you can leverage UTM parameters directly within your code using the Request object. Simply use the Facade and call the boot method.

// before inside the middleware

// afterwards, can be used as facade
use Suarez\StatamicUtmParameters\Facades\UtmParameter;


Full Changelog:


July 6th, 2024

What's new

Enhancements: Customize Session Key for UTM Parameters: You can now configure a custom session key to store UTM parameters using the new session_key configuration option. This is helpful if you're already using the default key (utm) for another purpose in your application. Improvements:

Added "Allowed UTM Parameters"-Config

Enhanced Test Coverage: We've added and improved tests to ensure the package functions reliably across various scenarios. This strengthens the overall stability and reduces the risk of regressions in future updates.

Full Changelog:


July 6th, 2024

  • N/A Changelog not available.


July 6th, 2024

What's New?

This update brings a range of improvements to the Statamic UTM-Parameters addon:

Enhanced Codebase The code has been refined for better performance and maintainability.

Clear Functionality A new clear method has been introduced to allow you to remove and reset UTM parameters from the session during your workflows.

Robust Testing The test suite has been updated to ensure continued functionality and compatibility with Statamic.

Improved Documentation The readme has been refreshed to provide clearer explanations and a more user-friendly experience.


July 6th, 2024

  • N/A Changelog not available.


July 6th, 2024

What's new?

  • Added the ability to check if a certain value is contained in the UTM parameter
  • Improved Tests
{{ if { utm:has type="campaign" contains="newsletter_weekly" } }}
       Subscribe to our podcast
{{ /if }}


July 6th, 2024

Release Notes

Initial Release for Statamic UTM-Parameter. A helper to store and handle UTM parameters on Statamic websites.

{{ if { utm:has type="source" value="google" } }}
    <span>{{ utm:get type="medium" }}</span>
{{ /if }}