Events (legacy) Icon

Events (legacy)

Table Of Contents:


See here. You can add this to your collection fieldsets via the partial fieldtype.


In the addon settings, pick the collection that has your Events.

Should look like:

events_collection: events


Please see the example calendar for how to create a monthly calendar using the {{ events:calendar }} tag.


Single Day Events

  • start_date - Required - Start date of the event.
  • start_time - Optional (see all_day) - Start time of the event.
  • end_time - Optional (see all_day) - Start date of the event.
  • all_day - Optional - boolean. If this is true, then neither start_time nor end_time are required

Recurring Events

  • recurrence - Optional - One of daily, weekly, monthly, annually, every
  • interval - Optional - required if recurrence is every and indicates the frequency of the event
  • period - Optional - required if recurrence is every and indicates the period of recurrence. One of days, weeks, months, years
  • end_date - Optional - when is the last event. If recurrence is set and this is not, the event goes on forever
  • except_on - Optional - a list of dates to exclude

Multi-Day Events:

  • multi_day - boolean. When true, start_date, start_time, end_time, recurrence, end_date are not used
  • days - Required - array of days:
multi_day: true
date: '2019-11-23'
start_time: '19:00'
end_time: '21:00'
date: '2019-11-24'
start_time: '11:00'
end_time: '15:00'
date: '2019-11-25'
start_time: '11:00'
end_time: '15:00'




Tag pair that returns an entire month of dates, starting on a Sunday and ending on a Saturday.


  • month - defaults to current month
  • year - defaults to the current year


{{ events:calendar month="october" }}
{{ date }} {{# date of event #}}
{{ if no_results }}
{{# whatever you need to when for an empty day #}}
{{ else }}
{{ dates }}
...other entry data...
{{ date }}
{{ /dates }}
{{ /if }}
{{ /events:calendar }}

Full example here.


You can also retrieve this data via the endpoint !/Events/calendar and pass the month (defaults to current month) & year (defaults to current year)


If there are no events on a given day, data returned is:

date: October 21, 2019
no_results: true

If there are events, each event has all the entry data plus date which is the next time this event happens:

date: October 21, 2019
date: Octover 22, 2019


Tag pair that returns a range of dates 2 required params, collection & next

  • collection - which collection has the events
  • next - a period that is parsable by DateTime. Examples include '2 weeks', '90 days'


{{ events:in collection="events" next="90 days" }}
{{ date }} {{# date of event #}}
{{ if no_results }}
{{# whatever you need to when for an empty day #}}
{{ else }}
{{ dates }}
...other entry data...
{{ date }}
{{ /dates }}
{{ /if }}
{{ /events:in }}


If there are no events on a given day, data returned is:

date: October 21, 2019
no_results: true

If there are events, each event has all the entry data plus date which is the next time this event happens:

date: October 21, 2019
date: Octover 22, 2019


Tag pair that returns events today.


  • collection - which collection has the events

Data and templating like the events:in tag.

Upcoming Events

Tag pair that returns the next X event dates. 2 required params, collection & limit.

One optional param, only relevant on multi-day, all-day events, collapse_multi_days. When true, multi-day events will only show up once in the event list.


{{ events:upcoming collection="events" limit="2" }}
{{ dates }}
...other entry data
{{ date }}
{{ /dates }}
{{ /events:upcoming }}


If there are no events on a given day, data returned is:

date: October 21, 2019
no_results: true

If there are events, each event has all the entry data plus:

  • date - which is the next time this event happens
  • multi_day - true when this is a multi-day event (like Thanksgiving or a conference)
    • when it is a multi-day event, there is also an array of days that contains:
      • start_time
      • end_time
      • date
  • all_day - true when an all day event (like a holiday)
start_date: October 21, 2019
multi_day: true
all_day: true
date: Octover 22, 2019

If there are no more dates, date won't be there or will be null


If you want to paginate the results, add paginate="true" to the tag. Then the tag will look for a page query parameter and paginate appropriately.


{{ events:upcoming collection="events" limit="2" paginate="true" }}
{{ dates }}
...other entry data
{{ date }}
{{ /dates }}
{{ pagination }}
{{ if prev_page }}<a href="{{ prev_page }}">Previous</a>{{ /if }}
{{ if next_page }}<a href="{{ next_page }}">Next</a>{{ /if }}
{{ /pagination }}
{{ /events:upcoming }}


  • All the usual data (above), plus:
next_page: /events?page=3
prev_page: /events?page=1

Download Links

Single Tag returns a url to download the event data and add it to your calendar. Tag presumes you are in an events context, i.e. your events entry


  • date - required if a recurring event
  • type - required, supported opions are: google, yahoo, webOutlook, ics (for iCloud folks)


<a href="{{ events:download_link
start_date="{{ get:date }}" {{# getting the date from the `date` query param #}}