Maintenance Mode Icon

Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode Main Screenshot

This is a tiny addon for Statamic CMS that allows easily to set your site into maintenance mode and whitelist sites, that should be still reachable (i.e. like /imprint or /privacy). When in maintenance mode, visitors to the site will see a customizable maintenance page, and administrators will be able to access the site normally.

How to Install

You can search for this addon in the Tools > Addons section of the Statamic control panel and click install, or run the following command from your project root:

composer require wahlemedia/statamic-maintenance-mode

How to configure (optional)

You can override the default options by publishing the configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wahlemedia\StatamicMaintenanceMode\ServiceProvider" --tag=config

This will copy the default config file to config/statamic/maintenance_mode.php.

How to Use

  1. Create globals with the name configuration. If you like change the name of the globals you can adjust it within the config file.
  2. Link the statamic-maintenance-mode::globals_maintainance fieldset.
  3. Add a site that should be used as a maintenance one.
  4. (optional) Add sites, that shoud be whitelisted.
  5. enable or disable maintenance mode.

Issues and Support

If you encounter any issues or have questions, please create an issue on the GitHub repository for this addon.


This addon is released under the MIT License.