
Addon by Michael Aerni

Zipper Main Screenshot

Zip your assets on the fly

Built by a Certified Partner

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This addon provides a simple way to zip your Statamic assets on the fly.


Install the addon using Composer:

composer require aerni/zipper

Publish the config of the package (optional):

php please vendor:publish --tag=zipper-config

The following config will be published to config/zipper.php:

return [

    | Save To Disk
    | Set this to 'true' to save the created zips to disk.
    | The saved file will be used the next time a user requests a zip with the same payload.

    'save' => false,

    | Filesystem Disk
    | Choose the disk you want to use when saving a zip.

    'disk' => 'public',

    | Link Expiry
    | Set the time in minutes after which a link should expire.

    'expiry' => null,

    | Cleanup Scope
    | The scope to use when cleaning up your zip references with the scheduled command.
    | Options:
    | "expired": Only delete expired reference files
    | "all": Delete all reference files excluding unexpired files
    | "force": Delete all reference files including unexpired files

    'cleanup' => 'expired',


Basic Usage

To create a zip of your assets, you have to call the zip tag followed by the variable containing your assets. The tag returns the URL to the route that handles creating the zip. The zip will be streamed without being saved to disk. You may opt in to save the file to disk to be used on subsequent requests.

Somewhere in your content files:

  - sega-genesis.jpg
  - snes.jpg

Somehwere in your views:

{{ zip:images }}


You may optionally pass a filename using the filename parameter. The filename defaults to the timestamp when the Zip object was created. The example below binds the name of the zip to the title of the page.

{{ zip:images :filename="title" }}

Link Expiry

If you want to expire your links after a certain time, you can either set the expiry globally in the config, or use the expiry parameter on the tag. The expiry is to be set in minutes. Note, that the expiry on the tag will overide the expiry in the config.

{{ zip:images expiry="60" }}

Cleanup Old References

Zipper saves an encrypted instance of the Zip class every time it returns a URL. These reference files are stored in storage/zipper/{id}. Whenever a user downloads a zip, Zipper will retrieve and decrypt the requested Zip instance.

With time, the amound of saved reference files will grow. To get this under control, Zipper provides a scheduled command that will daily delete old reference files. Just make sure that your Scheduler is running.

Cleanup Scopes

There are a couple of cleanup scopes you can define in the config:

Option Description
expired Only delete expired references files. This only affects references of zips that used the expiry option
all Delete all reference files excluding unexpired files. This will delete references of zips that didn't use the expiry option as well as expired zips. It will not delete unexpired zips.
force Delete all reference files including unexpired files. This will completely wipe all references.

Clean Command

You may also use the clean command to delete reference files at your will. The scope defaults to expired.

php please zipper:clean
php please zipper:clean --scope=all
php please zipper:clean --scope=force

Advanced Usage

You may also use this addon programmatically as shown below.

use Aerni\Zipper\Zip;

// Prepare an array of Statamic assets, paths or URLs.
$files = [

// Make a zip with the files above.
$zip = Zip::make($files);

// Set an optional filename. This defaults to the timestamp when the object was created.

// Set an optional expiry time in minutes. This defaults to the expiry set in the config.

// Get the URL that handles creating the zip.

// Create a new zip or download a previously cached zip.