Michael Mannucci

Verse of the Day Documentation

Michael Mannucci

What is it

A widget that displays a Bible verse every day in the Statamic dashboard.

How to install it

Install via composer or the Control Panel

composer require michaelmannucci/verseoftheday

How to use it

To add the widget to the dashboard, add the following entry to the widgets array in config/statamic/cp.php:

    'type' => 'verse_of_the_day',
    'width' => 100,

How to customize it

By default, the widget uses the NIV. You may optionally select the version/language by setting a version parameter.

    'type' => 'verse_of_the_day',
    'width' => 100,
    'version' => 'NASB1995'

Note: Don't forget to run php artisan config:cache after making changes to config/statamic/cp.php.

Click here to see a full list of all available versions/languages and their codes.