
Statamic Resrv Release Notes



September 18th, 2024

  • N/A Changelog not available.


September 9th, 2024

  • Fixed an issue when at the first save of an Entry that had a Resrv Availability field as "disabled" the value would not get saved thus making the Entry available to reserve.
  • Fixed two issues with Fixed pricing.
  • Updated the documentation URL and added the logo.


September 2nd, 2024

First v3 release!


August 27th, 2024

  • Control panel availability overhaul: you can now change availability or price on days that availability is already set.
  • New filter in the Reservation control panel to easily filter by Entry.
  • Add availability-search-updated and availability-results-updated hooks into AvailabilityResults Livewire component that let you alter the component during the availability search.
  • Fix for Reservation status filter for changes introduced in Statamic 5.14.0.
  • Fix for Extra pricing when quantity is ignore for pricing.
  • Fixed all entries being saved in the resrv_entries table instead of just those that have resrv_availability fields.
  • Fix for Stripe payment interface: the webhook could get disabled if the user is using Stripe on a physical POS.


July 24th, 2024

  • Added the ability to only use quantity for availability purposes and don't calculate pricing based on it.
  • You can now complete reservations that cost $0 (it skips the payment step). This is useful if you want to use this just for reservations and you charge later.
  • Added the option to skip payment for selected affiliates.
  • Fixed coupon dynamic pricing not getting saved at checkout.
  • Compiled the frontend assets so that they can easily used even if you don't have a build step.
  • Various bug fixes.


July 5th, 2024

  • Statamic dark mode support.
  • Affiliate feature: you can now create affiliates that can track their reservations by using a tracking link.
  • Added the ability to price Extra per checkout form values. For example you can know price an extra based on an adults value.
  • Added a sample guests popup that will be useful in many scenarios.
  • Added an everything setting for payment that charges the total value of the reservation (extras & options included)
  • Fixed issues with extras when a coupon was applied.
  • Improved the availability lock / unlock scenarios in an effort to eliminate race cases causing excess availability.


June 29th, 2024

  • This breaks backwards compatibility. The resrv_availabilities table needs to be updated using the add_primary_key_to_resrv_availabilities.php file.
  • Extras and options are now Livewire Form objects and can be populated before checkout starts.
  • Add an Entry model and resrv_entries table to serve as a relationship table between Statamic entries and Availabilities / Reservations.
  • Add connected availabilities: you can now configure availabilities so that the available count is synced for different properties / items.


May 28th, 2024

This is the beta release for the v3 release. It contains a number of breaking changes plus frontend Availability search, availability results and checkout support.

Docs coming soon!

  • Statamic 5.x support
  • Laravel 11 support
  • PHP 8.2 and 8.3 supported officially
  • New availability frontend system using Laravel Livewire
  • New checkout system using Laravel Livewire
  • Advanced availability has been removed and its features have been merged with the Availability class
  • Special query scope for use with Statamic Livewire Fitlers
  • Improved coupons support.


February 12th, 2024

  • FIX Stack would not scroll on Safari iOS
  • FIX Clear the cache when a new dynamic pricing is saved to prevent showing old prices for a while (around 60 seconds)


February 9th, 2024

  • CHANGE Even if an item has an overriding dynamic pricing, if a coupon is applied it will also be applied.
  • IMPROVEMENT The buttons in the Dynamic Pricing, Extras and Locations have been moved to the top for better usability.


January 21st, 2024

  • FEATURE Added new filters in the Reservations data list: you can now filter by year, reservation date_start and reservation created_at.
  • FIX Fixed Status filter not working in the control panel
  • FIX Fixed slow control panel Reservations page
  • FIX Upgraded Forma so PHP < 8.2 can be used


June 13th, 2023

  • IMPORTANT FIX - Emails were not working in Laravel 10 - upgrade asap if you are in Laravel 10.


June 10th, 2023

  • FIX Added the necessary settings at the Availability models
  • FIX Fixed the DynamicPricing -> Availability relationships
  • FIX Made sure a coupon is not applied if it doesn't apply to the current product


June 7th, 2023

  • NEW You can now change Resrv's config inside Statamic's control panel thanks to @edalzell's Forma add-on.


June 5th, 2023

  • New release for Statamic 4.x support. Statamic 3.4 is supported in the 1.7.0 version, Statamic 3.3 in 1.6.x.
  • Compatible with Laravel 10 and PHP 8.2.
  • New minimum versions: Laravel 9 and PHP 8.1. Dropped Laravel 8 and PHP 8.0.
  • Control panel elements have been improved and design follows Statamic 4.x more closely.
  • The new versioning system will follow Statamic: expect 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0 etc for new features, minor releases will be bug fixes only.


February 17th, 2023

  • Tag new release for Statamic 3.4 support. Statamic 3.3 is supported in the 1.6.x versions.


February 16th, 2023

  • NEW New endpoint that returns the search currently saved in the session. Should useful for static caching.


December 3rd, 2022

  • BUG The SetResrvSearchByVariables should work only on GET requests (it was running twice in POST requests)
  • REFACTOR Swap the SaveSearchToSession job to an event / listener duo so that we can apply more listeners to the availability search event in the future.


December 1st, 2022

  • NEW | Added a variable to prevent saving availability search to the session.


October 2nd, 2022

  • NEW | Added the ability to clear (delete) availability for dates.


September 11th, 2022

  • NEW | Resrv install command: after installation you can use php please resrv:install to completed the installation.
  • NEW | A coupon code can be added to dynamic pricing so that it will only be applied it it's saved to the current session.
  • NEW | A dynamic pricing rule can be set to expire on a specific time and date.
  • NEW | New rule for dynamic pricing: Days from the current date to the reservation start date. For example: Apply a discount if the reservation start date is closer than 2 days from the current date.
  • Breaking | Extra's price is returned for the whole period during checkout. Javascript files might need to be changed to reflect this.


August 3rd, 2022

  • Added a SetResrvSearchByVariables middleware that can be used to set the search parameters in the session at any of the site's URL
  • Added a separate checkout route (to be used in 1.7 for build-in checkout functionality)
  • Various fixes


May 9th, 2022

  • Performance release: the availability search was completed overhauled. Sites with significant amount of entries will see a decrease of up to 90% while querying availability.
  • The availability search query now gets saved in the session in order to make it accessible in subsequent page loads.
  • Added a couple of useful methods in preparation for Ajax-less checkout in 1.7.
  • FIX | There was a typo in Extra Conditions form saving hidden extras as "hiden". You might need to open and re-save these.


May 2nd, 2022

This release includes performance improvements. Database queries when generating the Availability items array have been decreased by about 90%.


May 2nd, 2022

  • FIX | Original price wasn't passed correctly when dynamic pricing was applied
  • FIX | Available count passed with availability was not relevant.


April 30th, 2022

  • Improvement | Can now select all - clear all in Dynamic Pricing panel.
  • Fix | Dynamic pricing could not be saved if you didn't set dates


April 30th, 2022

  • Bug fix: entries() method in ResrvUtilityController should only return the default site's entries.


April 30th, 2022

  • NEW You can know mass add / remove Extras from Entries. Just click on the three dots in each Extra and select Mass assign on the dropdown.
  • The little green dot is now green only for enabled Extras in the Entry view.


April 26th, 2022

  • Small fixes for data import


April 26th, 2022

  • N/A Changelog not available.


April 26th, 2022

  • N/A Changelog not available.


April 26th, 2022

NEW Availability import feature This release adds an import tool to mass add Availability using a CSV file. Due to the advanced nature of the import file needed and the possibility of data loss this feature should be considered alpha until the relevant tests have been written.

To use the importer you need a CSV that should have: - An ID column (can be the item's Statamic ID or any other field in your blueprint) - A price column in this format: price:date_from|date_end. Example: price:2022-04-23|2022-05-20 - Right next to the price column, an availability field with the same format: availability:date_from|date_end. If it's not right next to the price column the import will fail. - The dates are not verified so make sure the start date is before the end date and in the correct format. - You can add as many price and availability columns you need for different periods. - if you use advanced availability, an "advanced" column.


April 22nd, 2022

  • Clean up release


April 22nd, 2022

  • NEW Laravel 9 compatibility.


April 20th, 2022

  • NEW Condition on extras: you can now add Conditions to show, hide or require certain extras when:
    • Pick up or drop off time is between a time range
    • Reservation dates are inside a date range
    • Depending on reservation duration
    • Another extra is selected
  • Examples: You can force a late hours fee for a car pickup after 23:00 at night, you can force a certain extra for reservations under a number of nights or you can even add a mandatory charge and a hidden, required extra.
  • NEW If you are using the override forms feature, you can now use the Statamic form's settings in order to override the emails being send.
  • This release contains a DB migration


April 13th, 2022

  • Hide Locations menu if disabled in the settings
  • Hide property label if it's empty
  • Fixed: Bug in Reservation controller caused by the changes in v1.3.0


April 10th, 2022

  • BREAKING Statamic 3.3 is the new minimum required version (keep using 1.2.x for Statamic 3.2.x)
  • New feature: multiple reservations. You can now query availability for different sets of dates and create a "parent" Reservation that has child reservations for that days. An example is an airplane reservation with return ticket.
  • New feature: Override checkout form by entry. To do that, add an Form field to your entry with the handle resrv_override_form
  • New feature: Multiple Stripe keys by collection. You can now use an array in the config file to have different keys for collections. This is helpful in cases that you have multiple business in your website. (for example one Collection might reserve cars and the other boats)
  • Removed key based translation from the emails and moved to string based one.
  • Fixed #8 by saving the extra price in the pivot table during the reservation.
  • Fixed #20


April 3rd, 2022

  • Removed forgotten ray method.


April 3rd, 2022

  • Fixes for relative price extras
  • Fixed #8


April 1st, 2022

  • NEW Relative price extras: you can know add extras that are priced relatively to your reservation price
  • Code improvements


March 28th, 2022

New features:

  • Advanced availability: set different availability and price for an item depending on the property
  • Mass edit availability popup: set availability / price for multiple months at once


October 11th, 2021

Small bug fixes when using Mysql Full Changelog:


October 11th, 2021

First release


June 9th, 2023

  • FIX: Fix sorting when reservation results are filtered


April 10th, 2022

  • N/A Changelog not available.