Color Swatches
Color Swatches for Statamic >= v3.
For the Statamic 2 version, check out the v1 branch
Let clients choose from a predefined set of colors.
Color Swatches requires a license to be used while on a production site.
You can purchase one at
You may use Color Swatches without a license while Statamic is in Trial mode.
Require it using Composer.
composer require rias/statamic-color-swatches
Publish the assets:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rias\ColorSwatches\ServiceProvider"
Color Swatches Overview
Instead of providing a user a full color picker, Color Swatches gives an admin the ability to provide a selection of colors for a user to choose from.
Using Color Swatches
Add the fieldtype to your fieldset, you can define multiple colors for a swatch by using a YAML array. You can also set a default color by entering the label.
sections: main: display: Main fields: - handle: color field: type: color_swatches display: Color colors: - label: red value: - '#F56565' - label: orange value: - '#ED8936' - label: green value: - '#48BB78' - label: blue_yellow value: - '#4299E1' - '#E7C961'
Using Color Swatches
You can access both the label and color in your template.
{{ color.label }}{{ color.value }}{{ color.value.0 }} #If it's more than one color
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