Review allows you to share unpublished entries or revisions with collaborators without having to create a User for them.
For example, you can create a draft About Us
page and give folks a URL to view that draft content. You can also share a working copy, if you're using revisions.
To localize the button, add a lang file in /resources/lang
with the name matching the locale, like fr.json
. In it put your translation:
{ "Copy Review URL to Clipboard": "Translate Me!"}
Two ways to get that URL:
- The entry listing via the entry's Open Review action:
- The Review fieldtype; I'd recommend adding to the top of the sidebar of any entry blueprint:
Please note:
- Button will only work if:
- the field was added to a blueprint and not a fieldset (Statamic issue)
- the site is served via
- content is NOT published
- URLs are public, anyone can view them.
- Once the content is published, visiting that URL redirects to the actual content, unless there is a working copy.