Lucky Media

Cloud Release Notes

Lucky Media


May 17th, 2024

What's Changed

  • Added Laravel 11 support
  • Updated to PHP 8.3
  • Upgraded to Statamic v5
  • Updated dependencies
  • Allowed additional uploadable extensions (.ico)
  • Included missing images


April 19th, 2024

This release fixes the missing LuckySEO export, mentioned in this discussion #23

What's Changed

  • Fixed missing LuckySEO export


February 7th, 2024

This release fixes the copyright year in Footer & updates dependencies

What's Changed

  • Upgraded Dependencies
  • Dynamic year in Footer
  • Syntax fixes in Newsletter Form


June 5th, 2023

This release updates the frontend packages and ensures compatibility with the new Statamic v4 version.

What's New

  • Added LuckySEO for simple SEO Management
  • Added new Set Picker with Statamic v4 support

What's improved

  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated Sections with Statamic v4 support
  • Updated Icons

What's Changed

  • Switched Iconamic with Statamic v4 Icon
  • Removed old Antlers Config file
  • Removed cnj/seotamic


March 21st, 2023

This release updates the export and adds postcss.config.js to fix a bug with bundling assets using Vite.

What's improved

  • Fixed bug where assets where not bundling correctly due to a missing postcss config.


January 23rd, 2023

This release updates the frontend packages and ensures compatibility with the new Statamic Parser.

What's improved

  • Updated dependencies

What's new

  • Vite is now the default bundler.
  • Please remove the unnecessary files after installing webpack.mix.js, cp.css, and site.css as they are unnecessary.


June 6th, 2022

This is our biggest update of Cloud since its release and we will cover here every change made. Please note that due to the nature of the starter kits it was impossible to do incremental updates so bear with us on this one.

What's improved

  • Every section is switched to a fieldset for easier maintenance. Now you can create new collections with only a few sections or easily add more.
  • Removed the flex-gap plugin and switched to grid.
  • Added default value for the picture component and refactored the code.
  • Switched toggles to revealer fieldtype in some cases to mitigate errors with the new versions of Statamic.

What's new

  • Modified price. We balanced the price of our starter kit to match the prices on the marketplace. We added 18 new sets and highly improved the code quality.
  • Updated Dependencies
  • 404 Page customisable from Globals
  • Newsletter Section ( 4 sets )
  • Stats Section ( 4 sets )
  • FAQ Section ( 4 sets )
  • Page Headers ( 3 variants )


March 17th, 2022

This release updates the frontend packages and ensures compatibility with the new version of Statamic v3.3

What's improved

  • Updated Dependencies


December 14th, 2021

This release updates to use Tailwind v3 and also updates some breaking changes, namely the flex-grow, flex-shrink classes and the config.

What's improved

  • Updated to Tailwind v3
  • Updated Dependencies

What's coming

We are working on adding a 404 page, along with a config on the Theme settings so you can easily change the content.


December 3rd, 2021

What's new

  • Updated Dependencies


October 26th, 2021

This is a small release focused on improving the DX for the blog section. The title field is now required and the description is optional, thus making it a bit more flexible.

What's improved

  • Blog section, fixes issue #10


October 25th, 2021

This release updates the minor versions of dependencies and fixed some issues with components.

What's improved

  • Updated cta_5
  • Updated typo in arrow_link
  • Updated typo in lead component, closes #9


October 11th, 2021

This release adds a responsive image partial to improve the Google Lighthouse score. All images used in the starter kit now are converted to use the new partial. Thanks a lot to Statamic Peak for the responsive partial.

What's improved

  • Switched all img elements to use the new picture partial.

What's new

  • Added new picture partial to generate responsive images.


October 8th, 2021

This release adds a new Pricing Section as suggested by this idea in the Discussions.

What's improved

  • Updated Dependencies

What's new

  • Pricing Section (3 Sets)

What's coming

We are working on adding a responsive image partial, which will render all the images in webp and jpeg/png fallbacks. This will greatly improve the Lighthouse score.


September 26th, 2021

We are sorry for the missed v1.0 release but we are kicking it off with the v1.1.

What's improved

  • Updated dependencies
  • A small fix on the layout file.

What's new

  • We no longer serve the custom font ( Mulish ) directly from Google Fonts. Thanks for the tip to @ahoiroman, we now use FontSource for self-hosting the fonts . We will also update the Readme file to reflect this recent change.

What's coming

  • We are working on a Pricing section