Release Notes


March 15th, 2021

What's new

  • Added a route param to redirect tag. #3308
  • Added a "double encode" option to the sanizite modifier. #3067

What's fixed

  • Fix sorting on aliased entries. #3363
  • Fix default entry blueprint when hiding some of them. #3368
  • Fix error when using SVGs in Glide tag pairs. #3366
  • Fix JS error when field condition would result in an unevaluatable string. #3366
  • Fix CP index dates in range-mode. #3306
  • Removed unused dependencies in Fieldset and Blueprint repositories. #3307


March 5th, 2021

What's new

  • You can get a user's email via a property. #3331

What's fixed

  • Fix range field overflowing issue. #3292
  • Show valid data for a Form fields in the content API. #3270
  • Enable fixed toolbar on a Bard field inside a set. #3240


February 22nd, 2021

What's new

  • Add new chunk modifier. 849ae0ccb
  • Support image and mimes validation rules for assets. #3253
  • Parameters can now access:nested:variables. #3267
  • Added syringe icon. #3232

What's improved

  • Improve Spanish translations. #3243

What's fixed

  • Fix error when attempting to filter a collection by a single taxonomy. #3244
  • Prevent deleting select field selections when in read only. #3283
  • Preserve numeric keys in the array fieldtype. #3284
  • Localize the taxonomy terms field. #3172
  • Persist the parent when using the create another entry button. #3285
  • Fix disabled select field styling issues. #3275
  • Prevent excessive user database queries. #3227
  • Handle null labels correctly in the array fieldtype. #3260
  • Keep text field width within limits in Firefox. #3258
  • Fix type error in repeat modifier. #3261
  • The date fieldtype in a listing uses use the date_format setting. #3264
  • Use date_format in updater changelogs. #3246


February 17th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Allow view data to be passed into tags parameters. #3252
  • Fix error when submitting a form with emails. #3239


February 11th, 2021

What's new

  • Added an EntryCreated event. #3078
  • Ability to save entries without triggering events. #3208
  • Add sort and query_scope parameters to search:results tag. #2383
  • Ability to disable focal point editor. #3160

What's improved

  • Added Chinese translations. #3211
  • Updated French translations. #3206

What's fixed

  • Fix Radio input position. #3183
  • Fix Antlers ternary condition escaping. #3123
  • Prevent terms being created with existing slugs, which prevents overriding existing terms. #3114
  • The "Visit URL" button gets hidden when a collection has no route. #3080
  • Fix stroke color of the taxonomy icon. #3225
  • Fix issue where date range fields would sometimes be a day behind. #3221
  • Prevent error when a user's avatar is deleted. #3212
  • Use more data when augmenting a form submission, which prevents the wrong date being shown. #3204


February 4th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fix error in asset listings when one has recently been deleted. #3201
  • Fix Taxonomy facade accessor. #3199
  • Small clean up of trans tag. #3197


February 3rd, 2021

What's new

  • Added a ray modifier. #3137

What's improved

  • Form email subjects can be translated. #3144
  • View site button in CP uses the selected site. #3139
  • Updated Danish, German, and French translations. #3161 #3134 #3129

What's fixed

  • Prevent moving pages to end of top level when already there. #3152
  • Fix form widget styling. #3169
  • Fix Bard line wrapping issue. #3115
  • Inject the Symfony Yaml component. #3164
  • Adjust Action Facade docblock #3150


January 21st, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fix error when saving a root page. #3132


January 19th, 2021

What's improved

What's fixed

  • Fix error in the multisite command. #3125
  • Fix table fieldtype duplicating data. #2470
  • Fix table fieldtype not showing delete row button. #2790
  • Fix entries etc not being removed from search index when deleted. #3121
  • Fix API URL related error when using Live Preview while creating an entry. #3112
  • Fix time being added to the date fieldtype unnecessarily. #3118
  • Prevent null values from being saved in Bard and Replicator fields. #3126
  • Prevent a situation where you could move a page into a child of the root, which isn't allowed. #3104
  • Prevent orderable collections from having a parent field. #2012
  • Removed route model binding for users. #3088
  • Fix 404s within the CP rendering as front-end 404s. #3098


January 11th, 2021

What's new

  • Added a horizontal rule button to Bard. #3076
  • Ability to choose from multiple blueprints on the empty collection screen. #1985
  • You can now edit a blueprint section's or Bard set's handle separately from the display text. #1667
  • Addons can more easily register actions, scopes, and filters. #3093

What's improved

  • Updated French and Dutch translations. #3077 #3086

What's fixed

  • Fix Bard issue where using bold inside a link would split the link up. #2109
  • Fix Bard issue where an empty paragraph is added before a newly added set. #1491
  • Prevent editing and removing assets from the assets fieldtype when it's read only. #1826
  • Half measure static caching uses the correct expiry key as per the docs. #2744
  • Fixed an issue where a statically cached page would get unintentionally re-cached. #3085
  • Fix date handling when using revisions. #3094


January 6th, 2021

What's new

  • Added a CollectionCreated event. #3062
  • Added a UserRegistering event. #3057
  • Added a float fieldtype. #3060

What's improved

  • You now get a confirmation before updating or downgrading Statamic and addons. #3038

What's fixed

  • Fixed entry publish state management permissions. #3039
  • Query strings can be ignored when using static caching. #3075
  • Bump axios from 0.19.2 to 0.21.1 #3068

December 28th, 2020

  • N/A Changelog not available.


December 23rd, 2020

What's new

  • Added a mount variable to entries in templates. #3046
  • Added a locales:count tag. #3042

What's improved

  • Hide the "Enable Pro" part of the Getting Started widget if it's enabled. #3051
  • Updated French and German translations. #3029 #3052
  • Improved the Asset SVG asset previews. #2945

What's fixed

  • Fix issue where you couldn't drag Bard sets when used inside a Replicator. #2063
  • The 'Add Date' button is unavailable in the date fieldtype when it's read only. #3025
  • Fix issue where a non existent avatar sometimes caused an error. #3027
  • Show a dropdown indicator when there's more than one taxonomy blueprint. #3010
  • Fix btn class selector clash. #3022
  • Updating through the CP will also update dependencies, fixing an issue where people were stuck on 3.0.12. #3045
  • Prevent Replicator sets shrinking when dragging them. 9dedf49b3
  • Fix issue where you couldn't un-hide a blueprint. #3033

December 28th, 2020

  • N/A Changelog not available.


December 17th, 2020

What's new

  • Blueprints can be hidden from the Create Entry and Create Term buttons. #3007
  • Added a UserBlueprintFound event. #2983

What's fixed

  • Fixed a circular reference which made Bard freeze the page. #2959 #3005
  • Register our custom cache driver earlier, which fixes compatibility with Laravel Telescope. #3023 #1721
  • The Toggle fieldtype gives you a boolean when undefined, rather than null. 1f11c9c89 05601e49b
  • Terms can contain supplemental data, which fixes error within search. #3008
  • Fix isInGroup for Eloquent user driver. #2951
  • Fix issue where only one term would be returned when you have two terms with the same slug in different taxonomies. c9624a49e
  • Hide the "Duplicate Row" button when max grid rows have been reached. #3006
  • Removed the zero indexed grid item count. b657efa28
  • Fix join modifier when value is null. #3001
  • Fix Term facade hints. #3012
  • Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 #3009