Events Icon


Table Of Contents:


If you'd like to have a different event timezone default than the app default (usually UTC), update it via the CP. This is used on individual events that do not have a timezone set (see Fieldset below).

The default collection for your events is events, if you use a different one, publish the config file and then update it via the CP.

For the ICS downloads, you can have a "location" field. By default Events uses a field named 'location' but if you need something different add it to the config:

'collections' => [
'events' => [
'location_field' => 'your_location_field',


In your collection's blueprint, make sure you have fields like in our sample fieldset.

You can also use our sample fieldset by importing events::event.


Single Day Events

  • start_date - Required - Start date of the event.
  • start_time - Optional (see all_day) - Start time of the event.
  • end_time - Optional (see all_day) - Start date of the event.
  • all_day - Optional - boolean. If this is true, then neither start_time nor end_time are required

Recurring Events

  • all the single day fields
  • recurrence - Optional - One of daily, weekly, monthly, annually, every
  • specific_days - Optional - when recurrence is monthly, you can choose options like every 3rd Tuesday, etc. You can have more than one.
  • interval - Optional - required if recurrence is every and indicates the frequency of the event
  • period - Optional - required if recurrence is every and indicates the period of recurrence. One of days, weeks, months, years
  • end_date - Optional - when is the last event. If recurrence is set and this is not, the event goes on forever
  • exclude_dates - Optional - a grid of dates that should NOT be included in the list of occurrences

Multi-Day Events:

  • all the single day fields
  • multi_day - boolean. When true, start_date, start_time, end_time, recurrence, end_date are not used
  • days - Required - array of days:
multi_day: true
date: '2019-11-23'
start_time: '19:00'
end_time: '21:00'
date: '2019-11-24'
start_time: '11:00'
end_time: '15:00'
date: '2019-11-25'
start_time: '11:00'
end_time: '15:00'


Tags (Between, Calendar, Download Link, In, Today, Upcoming)

Common Parameters

All of the above (except Download Link) have a site parameter you can pass the handle of the site to get the events from. It defaults to your default site. Note: if you use Livewire you may need to set this from Antlers, using {site:handle}

Additional Variables (normal entry data is available)

  • start - Carbon date/time of the occurrence start
  • end - Carbon date/time of the occurrence end. Note if it's an all date event this will be set to 11:59:59pm
  • has_end_time - Boolean that indicates if this occurrence has a set end time. In All Day events, this is false
  • when it is a multi-day event, there is also an array of days that contains:
    • start
    • end
    • has_end_time


Only supported on between, in, & today tags. If you want to paginate the results, add paginate="xx", where xx is the number of items per page, to the tag. The tag will look for a page query parameter and paginate appropriately.

The output is identical to the collection tag pagination.


{{ events:between collection="events" from="Jan 1 2022" to="March 31 2022" paginate="2" }}
{{ results }}
...entry data as explained above
{{ /results }}
{{ pagination }}
{{ if prev_page }}<a href="{{ prev_page }}">Previous</a>{{ /if }}
{{ if next_page }}<a href="{{ next_page }}">Next</a>{{ /if }}
{{ /pagination }}
{{ /events:between }}


Currently only simple taxonomy filtering is supported, using the same syntax as the collection tag:

{{ events:between from="Jan 1 2022" to="March 31 2022" taxonomy:categories="harry-potter" }}
{{ /events:between }}


By default the occurrenes are sorted in ascending order, to get them in descending order, use sort="desc" on any of the tags.

Between Tag

Tag pair that returns a range of dates. 3 required params, collection, from & to.

  • collection - optional - which collection has the events, defaults to 'events'
  • from - optional, date to start from, defaults to 'now'
  • to - required, date to end at


{{ events:between collection="events" from="Jan 1 2022" to="March 31 2022" }}
{{ if no_results }}
{{# whatever you need to when for an empty day #}}
{{ else }}
{{ start }} {{ end }} {{ has_end_time }}
...other entry data...
{{ /if }}
{{ /events:between }}


Tag pair that returns an entire month of dates, starting on the beginning of the week and ending on the end of the week. This means, for example, that April 2022's calendar starts on March 27th and ends on May 7th.


  • collection - optional - which collection has the events, defaults to 'events'
  • month - optional, defaults to current month
  • year - optional, defaults to the current year


A collection of dates, each one containing either no_results or occurrences, which list all the event occurrences on that particular date.


{{ events:calendar month="october" }}
{{ date }} {{# date of event #}}
{{ if no_results }}
{{# whatever you need to when for an empty day #}}
{{ else }}
{{ occurrences }}
{{ start }} {{ end }} {{ has_end_time }}
...other entry data...
{{ /occurrences }}
{{ /if }}
{{ /events:calendar }}

Full example here.


Tag pair that returns a range of dates 2 required params, collection & next

  • collection - optional - which collection has the events, defaults to 'events'
  • next - a period that is parsable by DateTime. Examples include '2 weeks', '90 days'


{{ events:in collection="events" next="90 days" }}
{{ if no_results }}
{{# whatever you need to when for an empty day #}}
{{ else }}
{{ start }} {{ end }} {{ has_end_time }}
...other entry data...
{{ /if }}
{{ /events:in }}


Tag pair that returns occurrences today:

  • collection - optional - which collection has the events, defaults to 'events'
  • ignore_past - boolean, optional, defaults to false. When true only current or future occurrences are shown.

Data and templating like the events:in tag


Tag pair that returns the next X event dates.

  • collection - optional - which collection has the events, defaults to 'events'
  • event - optional - if used, it gets occurrences from the given event only, and ignores collection parameter
  • limit - required, number of occurrences to return
  • collapse_multi_days - optional, only relevant on multi-day, all-day events. When true, multi-day events will only show up once in the event list.
  • offset – optional – if used, it skips a specified number of occurrences.


{{ events:upcoming collection="events" limit="2" }}
{{ start }} {{ end }} {{ has_end_time }}
...other entry data
{{ /events:upcoming }}

Download Links

Single Tag returns a url to the event data and add it to your calendar. If there's a "location" field (see config above), it'll get added to the download.


  • collection - required if date but not event is passed in. Defaults to events.
  • date - if event is included, download the ICS for the event on that date, otherwise download all events on that day
  • event - download all occurrences of the event, unless date is include (see above)

The download will be the slugified title, unless there are multiple events, in which case it will be events.


download="event-{{ date format='Ymd' }}.ics"
href="{{ events:download_link event="some-id" date="{{ get:date }}" {{# getting the date from the `date` query param #}}
}}">Download to your calendar</a>