The Rad Pack

Runway Release Notes

The Rad Pack


September 19th, 2024

What's fixed


September 17th, 2024

What's fixed


September 16th, 2024

What's fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when creating a model with a Has Many relationship #598 #599 by @BobWez98


September 12th, 2024

What's fixed


September 5th, 2024

What's new

  • Improvements around unlinking relationships #582 #595 by @duncanmcclean
  • When adding a new model, Runway will automatically create a blueprint for you, based on the database columns #593 by @duncanmcclean

What's fixed

What's removed


August 14th, 2024

What's new

What's improved


August 9th, 2024

What's fixed

  • Prevent creating blueprint files when running in the console #581 by @BobWez98


August 6th, 2024

What's fixed


July 29th, 2024

What's fixed

  • Fix protected model accessors & model mutators without accessor equivelent #576 by @duncanmcclean
  • Prevented saving of computed relationship fields #575 by @duncanmcclean
  • Fixed explicit relationship_name being overwritten in Has Many relationships #574 by @manogi


July 24th, 2024

What's fixed


July 19th, 2024

What's fixed


July 18th, 2024

What's new


July 12th, 2024

What's new

What's fixed


July 4th, 2024

What's fixed


July 1st, 2024

What's fixed


June 21st, 2024

What's fixed


June 17th, 2024

What's new

What's fixed

  • Fixed "title field" not being used when columns have been customized #526 by @duncanmcclean


June 17th, 2024

What's new

  • Added support for int and timestamp columns in runway:generate-blueprints command #523 #525 by @ryanmitchell


June 6th, 2024

What's fixed

  • Fixed broken Has Many fieldtype when used outside a Runway context #517 by @duncanmcclean


June 6th, 2024

What's new

  • You can now hide the "Create" button by setting hide: true on blueprints #508 by @ryanmitchell

What's fixed

  • Fixed issue where the sidebar section would show on the Publish Form when it's not needed #515 by @duncanmcclean


June 4th, 2024

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed

  • Fixed errors when getting redirect URL for models using frontend routing #510 by @duncanmcclean


May 31st, 2024

What's fixed


May 20th, 2024

What's new

What's fixed

  • Fixed empty element showing border at the bottom of the publish form page by @duncanmcclean


May 9th, 2024

Read First


May 8th, 2024

What's improved


May 3rd, 2024

What's new

What's fixed


April 22nd, 2024

What's fixed

  • Fixed CP nav items being added to the wrong sections when using languages other than English #474 by @mrmonat


April 16th, 2024

What's fixed


April 11th, 2024

What's fixed


March 25th, 2024

What's fixed

  • QueryException errors are now caught to prevent install issues when used alongside the Eloquent Driver #465 #467 by @duncanmcclean

Documentation updates


March 15th, 2024

What's improved

What's fixed

v6.6.0 (2024-03-11)

What's new

  • Added --force parameter to the runway:rebuild-uris command to prevent user confirmation #455 by @mefenlon


March 11th, 2024

  • N/A Changelog not available.


March 8th, 2024

What's new

  • Added runwayRoutes scope to scope models indexed by runway:rebuild-uris command #454 by @mefenlon

What's fixed


March 4th, 2024

What's fixed


March 1st, 2024

What's improved

What's fixed


February 26th, 2024

What's improved

  • Permissions are no longer grouped under Miscellaneous #443 by @caseydwyer

What's fixed


February 22nd, 2024

What's fixed


February 19th, 2024

What's fixed

  • Fixed sort order handling when user has defined sort and no orderBy has been set #438 by @ryanmitchell


February 16th, 2024

What's improved


February 11th, 2024

What's new

What's fixed

  • Fixed infinite loop getting/setting slug on Eloquent models with RunwayRoutes trait #429 by @duncanmcclean
  • Fixed relationship fields being pre-filled when they shouldn't be #428 by @duncanmcclean
  • Fixed augmentation for BelongsToMany relationships #425 by @mefenlon


February 2nd, 2024

What's fixed

  • Fixed MorphMany relationships not being augmented #419 by @mefenlon


February 1st, 2024

What's improved

What's fixed


January 22nd, 2024

What's fixed


January 16th, 2024

What's fixed


January 15th, 2024

What's new

What's improved

  • The model ID is now passed to the publish form so it exists in Vuex #401 by @duncanmcclean

What's fixed


January 12th, 2024

What's improved

  • The default runway.php config file no longer includes a blueprint by @duncanmcclean

What's fixed


January 12th, 2024

Read First


January 14th, 2024

What's improved

  • The model ID is now passed to the publish form so it exists in Vuex #401


January 9th, 2024

What's fixed

  • Fix "Listable: Hidden" fields not showing in column picker #392 by @caseydwyer


December 23rd, 2023

What's improved

  • Eloquent model is now passed to the ResourcePolicy #386 by @edalzell


December 16th, 2023

What's fixed


December 1st, 2023

What's fixed


November 28th, 2023

What's fixed


November 16th, 2023

What's new

  • Columns cast as object in the Eloquent model will be treated by Runway as an array #370 by @caseydwyer


November 3rd, 2023

What's fixed

  • Search on the Listing Table will no longer error when you have imported fields #355 by @edalzell


October 20th, 2023

What's new

  • Added support for a new save: false config option on fields to disable field values being saved #353 by @edalzell

What's improved

  • When a resource has no records, you'll now see the listing table rather than an empty state #352 by @duncanmcclean


October 7th, 2023

What's fixed

  • 2nd attempt at fixing an issue where query parameters weren't being preserved in pagination links when using the Runway tag #349 #351


October 3rd, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes, under certain circumstances, you'd get an error with the HasMany fieldtype #342


October 2nd, 2023

What's fixed

  • Query parameters are now preserved when using pagination with the Runway tag #349 #350 by @duncanmcclean
  • A 404 is now thrown when a record can't be found in the Control Panel, rather than an error #347 by @duncanmcclean


September 19th, 2023

What's new

What's improved

  • When generating migrations from a blueprint & a fieldtype can't be mapped to a column type, Runway will now add a TODO for you to complete the migration #334 by @duncanmcclean

What's fixed


September 10th, 2023

What's fixed


September 5th, 2023

What's fixed


August 7th, 2023

What's new

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue where appended attributes would appear as filterable in "Fields" filter #316 #317 by @duncanmcclean


August 7th, 2023

What's improved

  • Removed old dependency


August 4th, 2023

What's fixed


July 26th, 2023

What's new

  • You can now add nested fields from inside JSON columns to your blueprint #302 #308 by @morphsteve


June 19th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fieldtype: Dropdown / Stack options will now respect the configured ordering for the resource #298


June 15th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fixed issue with "Fields" filter on non-Runway listing tables #292
  • Fieldtypes: Ensure pagination only takes place when in Stack mode #289 #291 by @edalzell
  • Removes extra border on Publish Form #296

What's improved

  • Has Many Fieldtype: "Reorderable" setting now works with pivot tables #287 #297


June 13th, 2023

What's new

  • PHP 8.1 is now supported again! #293

What's improved


June 1st, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fixes GraphQL naming issues #279 #283 by @Buffalom
  • Fixed issue where relationship field was being picked up as the first column #277 #280


May 24th, 2023

What's new

  • Enabled filters on the Listing Table #276 #278


May 24th, 2023

What's improved

  • Added pagination to fieldtype selection listings #275


May 9th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fixed slightly broken listing table #267
  • Fixed issue with save button icon #269
  • Allow overriding Eloquent relationship names in Belongs To fieldtype #268 #270


May 8th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fix hard-coded primary key column in HasMany fieldtype #264 #265


May 5th, 2023

What's new

  • Added a new select parameter to the Runway tag #263


May 4th, 2023

What's new

  • You can now re-order items using the HasMany fieldtype #228 #259

What's fixed

  • Fixed GraphQL not resolving the Entries fieldtype (and probably others too!) #258 #260


April 28th, 2023

What's new

  • Runway v5 now supports Statamic 4 #235

What's fixed

  • Fixed GraphQL error on some fieldtypes #252 #253

Breaking changes

Please add the new HasRunwayResource trait to the Eloquent models you have configured in the Runway config.

// app/Models/Order.php

class Order extends Model
    use HasRunwayResource;


May 9th, 2023

Note: This is likely the last v4 release of Runway. You should consider updating to Runway v5 and Statamic 4 for future updates.

What's fixed

  • Allow overriding Eloquent relationship names in Belongs To fieldtype #268 #270


May 8th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fix hard-coded primary key column in HasMany fieldtype #264 #265


May 5th, 2023

What's new

  • Added a new select parameter to the Runway tag #263


May 4th, 2023

What's new

  • You can now re-order items using the HasMany fieldtype #228 #259

What's fixed

  • Fixed GraphQL not resolving the Entries fieldtype (and probably others too!) #258 #260


May 4th, 2023

What's new

  • You can now re-order items using the HasMany fieldtype #228 #259

What's fixed

  • Fixed GraphQL not resolving the Entries fieldtype (and probably others too!) #258 #260


April 21st, 2023

What's fixed

  • Table name is now prefixed on two queries in the ResourceController #254


April 15th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Slug field will be used for slug column when generating blueprint from Eloquent model #251


April 8th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fixed "Column index out of range" error #242
  • Various fixes to Table mode on the Has Many fieldtype #246
  • Fixed an issue where Runway would try to save attributes from the $appends array #247
  • Fixed an 'ambiguous table' error with one of Runway's queries #248
  • Fix double requests, caused by column data changing behind the scenes #250

What's improved

  • Breadcrumbs are passed into the inline publish form (the one that shows when you edit something in a stack) #249


February 28th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fixed another issue with auto-publishing of Runway's assets


February 28th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Removed console.log I left in the last release


February 28th, 2023

Nothing new since v4.1, just a couple of tweaks to Runway behind the scenes.

What's new

  • Switched from Laravel Mix to Vite #229 by @duncanmcclean
  • Replaced StyleCI with Pint via GitHub Actions


February 20th, 2023

What's new

  • You can now relationship fields when using the where parameter on the Runway tag #225 by @duncanmcclean

What's fixed

  • Runway no longer attempts to search section & computed fields when searching in the Control Panel #224 by @stoffelio


February 17th, 2023

What's fixed


February 11th, 2023

What's improved

What's fixed


February 5th, 2023

What's new

Breaking changes

  • Permission keys have changed. If you have a user role with custom permissions set, you may need to make some changes:
    • File driver: If you're using the file users repository, your roles.yaml file will have been updated automatically with the new permission names.
    • Otherwise: You'll need to change permission names yourself - examples of the changes are shown below.
      • View Products -> view product
      • Edit Products -> edit product
      • Create new Product -> create product
      • Delete Product -> delete product


February 4th, 2023

What's improved

What's fixed


January 28th, 2023

What's fixed


January 27th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue where 'Edit' button wouldn't show in listing table action list if front-end routing was disabled #205 #206 by @duncanmcclean


January 27th, 2023

What's new

  • Support for Statamic 3.4!


January 28th, 2023

What's fixed


January 27th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue where 'Edit' button wouldn't show in listing table action list if front-end routing was disabled #205 #206 by @duncanmcclean


January 24th, 2023

What's new

What's fixed

  • Fixed issue where fallback method calls to Resource weren't being passed through correctly


January 20th, 2023

What's new

  • PHP 8.2 is now officially supported! #191

What's fixed

  • Fix data being encoded by Runway even when a cast is setup #197
  • Ensure BelongsTo values wrapped in arrays are always converted to a single item


December 21st, 2022

What's improved

  • Made some minor tweaks - nothing noticeable #189


December 6th, 2022

What's fixed

  • Fix error with BelongsTo fieldtype when saving via a publish form inside a stack #187 #188


November 19th, 2022

What's fixed

  • The "Display" text for a field is now shown as the column name when using the 'Table' mode on the fieldtype (instead of the handle!) #185 #186


November 5th, 2022

⚠️ This release contains breaking changes.

What's fixed

  • Bulk actions are no longer visible for read-only resources #181

Breaking changes

  • Dropped support for anything below PHP 8.1, Laravel 8 & Statamic 3.3 #182


November 3rd, 2022

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue where the translations weren't working properly on Save buttons #179 by @jymden


November 2nd, 2022

What's new

  • All of Runway's strings are now translatable! #178


October 29th, 2022

What's fixed

  • The 'Save' button will now show when viewing the publish form on a small-ish screen #172 #174


September 27th, 2022

What's improved

  • When using static caching, model URLs will automatically be invalidated on save - no need to configure a rule for it! #166


September 26th, 2022

What's improved

  • It's now possible to invalidate URLs in your static cache for front-end routes #166 #167


August 24th, 2022

What's fixed

  • Fixed issue when generating listing columns, if you're using a fieldset in your blueprint #164 #165


August 6th, 2022

What's new

  • Brand new 'Table mode' in Has Many fieldtype #163

What's fixed

  • Stacks opened by Runway's fieldtypes will now show fieldtype's index components, if they have one #162


July 23rd, 2022

What's new

  • You may now specify the order & direction of models via the Runway config #160 #161


July 15th, 2022

What's fixed

  • Fixed an error when attempting to augment model that doesn't exist #156 #158
  • Fixed an error when using the {{ nav:breadcrumbs }} tag on front-end routes #157 #159


July 6th, 2022

What's fixed

  • Fieldtypes: Formatted title will now also be returned from toItemArray method #155 by @edalzell


June 30th, 2022

What's new


June 13th, 2022

What's fixed

  • If you had a runwaySearch scope on your model & tried to search using one of Runway's fieldtypes, Runway's default logic would still be used #149 #150 by @duncanmcclean


June 7th, 2022

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue where columns with json cast would be 'double cast' when saved to the database #147 by @duncanmcclean


June 7th, 2022

What's fixed

  • Fixed a caching issue with fieldtype eager loading if the same model is augmented multiple times during a request #146 by @duncanmcclean


June 1st, 2022

What's new

  • You may now specify relationships to be eager loaded when a Runway field is augmented #145 by @duncanmcclean


April 28th, 2022

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue with search on Runway fieldtypes - they'll no longer attempt to search hidden fields.


April 26th, 2022

What's new

  • You may now specify a runwayListing scope on your model to filter the results returned in the CP Listing Table #142 by @ryanmitchell

What's improved

  • There's now an option for toggling 'Create' button on BelongsTo fieldtype

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue where search didn't work on fieldtypes


April 14th, 2022

What's new

What's improved


April 13th, 2022

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue loading resource results when you're using a fieldset in the related blueprint #136 by @Skullbock


April 8th, 2022

What's improved

  • Improved the performance of augmentation for Runway Fieldtypes (if you load the same record in multiple times) #135 by @ryanmitchell


February 26th, 2022

What's new


February 15th, 2022

What's fixed

  • Another fix for the magic behind Runway's "relation guessing" code for eager loading #118 by @duncanmcclean


February 9th, 2022

What's new

  • You may now manually specify relations to be eager loaded, if you'd prefer to have complete control by @duncanmcclean


February 9th, 2022

What's fixed

  • The 'magic' behind the eager loading wasn't always resolving relation name's correctly by @duncanmcclean


February 8th, 2022

What's fixed


February 5th, 2022

What's improved


January 29th, 2022

What's new

  • PHP 8.1 Support
  • You may now add the 'Has Many' fieldtype to entries/taxonomies/globals #109 by @ryanmitchell
  • The HasMany fieldtype now has an option in the Blueprints UI to toggle on/off resource creation #108 by @ryanmitchell

Breaking changes


December 20th, 2021

What's new

  • Fixed issue viewing listing tables when using Eloquent users


December 13th, 2021

What's new

  • You can now use the Has Many fieldtype for 'Many to Many' relationships #102 by @psyao


November 24th, 2021

What's fixed


November 16th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed issue when searching a resource with a 'Has Many' fieldtype #99 #100 by @edalzell


November 15th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed 'Too few arguments' error with ResponseCreated event
  • Fixed URIs being saved in a bad format if you don't start your route with / #98


October 30th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed filenames of migrations generated by the blueprint -> migration tool #96


October 29th, 2021

What's improved

  • Enabled Bulk Actions on the Runway Listing Table #87


October 23rd, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed a few round edges with permissions #94


October 22nd, 2021

What's improved

  • Made some improvements to the Belongs To fieldtype, fixing an issue in the process #93 #91


October 20th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue viewing resources in the CP, where casting dates to date_immutable would cause issues. #89
  • GraphQL queries now use the built-in QueriesConditions trait for filtering, not custom code


September 25th, 2021

What's new


September 24th, 2021

What's new

  • You can now use Eloquent Query Scopes with the Runway tag #82


September 24th, 2021

What's new

  • You can now eager load relationships using the with parameter on the Runway tag #84


September 20th, 2021

What's new

  • You can now generate blueprints from Eloquent models #58


September 18th, 2021

What's new

  • You can now create/edit models from Runway's relationship fieldtypes #76


September 14th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fieldtype values are now flagged as invalid if model can't be found #78
  • Fixed issue where 'Delete' action would not be available anywhere, apart from in Runway #79


September 9th, 2021

What's new

  • Added HasMany fieldtype #74


August 27th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed issue with the post-select state of dropdown fieldtypess #67


August 20th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed issues with 'primary columns' in the listing table


August 19th, 2021

Why have you missed a couple of versions? I tagged v2.1.7 as v2.1.17 by mistake and so to fix that, I'm tagging this as v2.1.18 which should make Packagist (and everywhere else) happy.

What's new

What's fixed

  • Fixed issue where the first field in a blueprint would be used as a primary column, where it should actually be a Relationship fieldtype.


August 11th, 2021

  • N/A Changelog not available.


August 12th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed another bug affecting third-party packages (Laravel Nova this time)

Having issues updating?

I recently tagged the wrong release which may result in a big red error when you try to update Runway. To workaround this, update like so:

composer update doublethreedigital/runway:2.1.10


August 11th, 2021

What's fixed

  • If you still have the Responsable interface on a model, you shouldn't get an error
  • Fixed issue with old usage of Runway tag


August 11th, 2021

Re-tag of previous release, v2.1.7.


August 11th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue where the Responsable interface on models was causing issues (eg. with Inertia.js) #71


August 10th, 2021

What's new


July 30th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Runway will now no longer 'double encode' JSON if you've added a cast to your model #62
  • Fixed issue where updating models wouldn't work, if your model had a custom route key set


July 29th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Updated the way we handle dates on the edit resource page #60
  • Runway will now throw the ResourceNotFound exception when a resource can not be found.
  • Fixed a console error that popped up when configuring listing columns #61
  • Little tiny other fix (probably didn't affect anyone - was related to something inside Runway's Vue components) #59


July 24th, 2021

What's new

  • You can now generate migrations from an existing blueprint #56


July 7th, 2021

What's fixed

  • You'll no longer get an error when editing a model if you have getRouteKeyName defined on your model. #53
  • Fixed an issue where a fieldtype's Index component would not be rendered #52


July 6th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Listing rows will now be properly displayed with preProcessIndex (it'll fix the display of Date fields) #52


July 3rd, 2021

⚠️ This update contains breaking changes.

What's new

  • A brand new Listing table for your models, just like the one used for entries #15
  • You can now use real Actions, instead of 'Listing buttons'

Breaking changes

Listing Columns & Sorting

The listing.columns and listing.sort configuration options have been removed. Columns and sorting are now configured from the listing table itself, in the same way it works for entries.

Listing buttons

This release removes the 'listing buttons' functionality, in place of Statamic's Actions feature. Any listing buttons will no longer work. It's recommended you refactor into an Action during the upgrade process.


July 1st, 2021

What's new

  • You can now use Cmd + S (or Ctrl + S) to save when using Runway's Publish Form #50
  • We now actually show the validation error when you run into one using Runway's Publish Form #49

What's fixed

  • If max_items is set to 1 on the Runway fieldtype, just return the single model as augmented, not a Collection

Thanks John Carter for the new additions :)


June 30th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixes issue with dirty state when creating model #41
  • If it's a JSON field, make sure it's decoded before passing it to the publish form #40


June 16th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed issues around 'primary key' stuff #39


June 4th, 2021

What's fixed

  • If there's no sidebar, we won't try and show one #38
  • Fix an issue where the slug fieldtype failed to load #31
  • Actually process fieldtypes in the resource listing #37

What's improved

  • Runway now has some defaults for 'Listing Columns' and 'Listing Sort', in case its not present in the config
  • The Belongs To fieldtype will now give you a link to edit the related model


May 26th, 2021

What's fixed

  • White screen on publish form pages #36


May 25th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Another fix for the dist/js/cp.js error


May 25th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed undefined method uri() exception when editing record.
  • Now ignores the .png files when pulling down a release. (Probably not noticable)
  • Only boots into the DataRepository if routing is enabled on at least one resource.
  • Hopefully fix the Can't locate path <.../dist/js/cp.js> error when installing.


May 24th, 2021

Runway 2 introduces some minor breaking changes. Including a minimum requirement for Statamic 3.1 and the fact models are now called resources in the config (which our upgrade script should automate for you).

What's new?

What's improved?

  • Models are now 'Resources' - this will be reflected in your config file, it's essentially to stop you getting mixed up between a Runway Model and an Eloquent model
  • Resources aren't just a big old arrays anymore


April 13th, 2021

What's new

  • BelongsTo fieldtype #9


March 30th, 2021

What's new

  • Added support for scoping and pagination on the Runway tag


March 25th, 2021

What's new


March 24th, 2021

What's new


February 26th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed primaryKey issue #12


February 16th, 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed bug introduced in v2.0.8


February 13th, 2021

  • Fix Runway will no longer fail on composer install if database can't be connected to. #11


February 1st, 2021

  • Fix Fixed issue where route key wouldn't be used for CP actions


January 18th, 2021

  • New You can now customise the icon used in CP Nav. Just pass the name of Statamic icon or pass in an inline SVG.
  • Fix $request->user() should be fixed in even more places now.


January 18th, 2021

  • Fix Hopefully fixed an issue were you get Call to undefined methodApp\User::hasPermission()`.
  • Fix Create button on resource now actually links to the create page


December 28th, 2020

Non-blueprint rows are now available via the Runway tag, as apposed to only blueprint fields being available.


December 27th, 2020

Support for PHP 8.


December 21st, 2020


  • If you specify a route key on your Eloquent model, Runway will respect that and run with it in your Control Panel.


  • Section fieldtypes will no longer attempt to save.


  • Downloading should take a teeny tiny bit less time - thanks to #5
  • Better styled pagination on listing page


December 19th, 2020

New Features

  • Listing Search
  • Permissions - so you can manage which users have access to do CRUD actions on your Eloquent models.


  • The listing table is now extra big, helpful for all those extra columns


December 14th, 2020

Initial release.