Release Notes


November 1st, 2022

What's new

  • Added a confirmation modal for selecting the origin site when creating an entry localization. #6943 by @arthurperton
  • Add Turkish translation. #6963 by @sineld
  • The delimiter can be configured for Form CSV exports. #6964 by @theLeroy

What's improved

  • Improve configuration options for the slug fieldtype. #6978 by @jackmcdade
  • The first modifier now supports associative arrays. #6977 by @royvanv

What's fixed

  • Clicking the "toggle all" checkbox will select the proper amount of items if max selections have been restricted. #6816 by @ncla
  • Prevent the assets:meta command from wiping data. #6854 by @ncla
  • The @nocache Blade directive properly handles additional data passed to it. #6934 by @jacksleight
  • Fix compatibility with Laravel's Str::slug() method. #6981 by @jasonvarga
  • Fix Runtime Antlers issue when using recursion in the nav tag. #6968 by @JohnathonKoster
  • Fix the relative modifier's "extra words" parameter. #6976 by @jacksleight
  • Fix subtraction in Antlers. #6970 by @JohnathonKoster
  • The entry publish form will be updated with server-side values on save. #6842 by @arthurperton
  • Replace deprecated utf8_encode method usage. #6823 by @krzysztofrewak


October 26th, 2022

What's improved

What's fixed


October 20th, 2022

What's new

What's fixed


October 19th, 2022

What's fixed


October 19th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


October 14th, 2022

What's new

  • Use a users search index in the control panel if one exists. #6886 by @jasonvarga

What's improved

What's fixed


October 13th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

  • Auto-focus the field when opening a rename action modal. #6858 by @ncla
  • Using status for a field handle will now validate as a reserved word. #6857 by @jasonvarga

What's fixed

  • Fixed an asset performance issue (especially when using S3) by waiting to load metadata until necessary. #6871 by @jasonvarga
  • Fixed JS error when using nocache tags on full measure static caching and with a CSRF token starting with a number. #6855 by @jasonvarga
  • Fix date fieldtype format handling in listings. #6845 by @granitibrahimi
  • Fix Bard's "Save as HTML" setting label. #6849 by @jackmcdade


October 5th, 2022

What's improved

What's fixed

  • Fix starter kit post-install for statamic/cli users in Windows. #6830 by @jesseleite
  • Fix stache:warm and stache:refresh performance regression when using S3 assets. #6835 by @jesseleite


October 3rd, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed

  • Fix focal point not saving when asset blueprint has no fields #6814 by @ncla
  • Fix asset meta bottleneck. #6822 by @jasonvarga
  • Avoid prompt to make user when installing starter kit via statamic/cli. #6810 by @jesseleite


September 29th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


September 27th, 2022

What's improved

What's fixed


September 23rd, 2022

What's new

  • Ability to replace assets by either changing references to another asset, or reuploading a file. #4832 by @jesseleite

What's fixed


September 22nd, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


September 20th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


September 13th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed