Release Notes

Stay up to date with the latest Statamic changes.
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December 16th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed

  • Fix asset thumbnails and file icons in entry listings and assets field. #7195 by @jacksleight
  • Fix autofocusing of the first field in Control Panel forms. #7242 by @jackmcdade
  • Fix default preferences not being tracked with the Git integration. #7230 by @jesseleite
  • The color fieldtype's picker closes when clicking save. #7219 by @jacksleight
  • The collection widget's "create entry" button works with multiple blueprints. #7217 by @jackmcdade


December 13th, 2022

What's new

  • Add user:profile_form and user:password_form tags. #6400 by @jacksleight
  • Add info about Stache watcher and Static Caching to the about and support:details commands. #7213 by @joshuablum

What's improved

What's fixed


December 2nd, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed

  • Maintain sort parameter in REST API links. #7158 by @edalzell
  • Make Antlers value resolution "lazy", and make pluck operator work with nulls. #7151 by @JohnathonKoster
  • Prevent deprecation warning when using yield tag with no matching section and no fallback. #7149 by @xuneXTW
  • Add authorization to "duplicate" actions. #7150 by @jasonvarga
  • Avoid wrapping of date fields in listings. #7146 by @jackmcdade
  • Allows localization variable to be saved as false. #7087 by @tao


November 29th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


November 21st, 2022

What's new

  • Ability to disable generating asset preset manipulations on upload. #7076 by @ryanmitchell

What's improved

What's fixed

  • Prevent error in Static Caching middleware when using JSON responses. #7075 by @FrittenKeeZ
  • Prevent dates being added to localized entries in non-dated collections. #7086 by @tao
  • Support for JsonResource::withoutWrapping. #7072 by @jhhazelaar
  • Prevent error in form route binding when customizing action route. #7083 by @julesjanssen
  • Fix incorrect home icon and slug in entry listings. #7095 by @jasonvarga
  • Prevent entire assets:generate-presets command failing when encountering invalid images. #7091 by @ryatkins


November 18th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


November 16th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


November 14th, 2022

What's new

  • Support custom date formats in route definitions. #7043 by @bencarr

What's improved

What's fixed


November 9th, 2022

What's improved

What's fixed


November 8th, 2022

What's improved

What's fixed

  • Fix parent and updated_by fields not being shallow augmented in API, sometimes causing recursion. #7025 by @jasonvarga
  • Fix a couple of "root page cannot have children" issues. #7007 by @jasonvarga
  • Fix failing test due to orchestra/testbench update. #7017 by @jasonvarga


November 4th, 2022

What's fixed

  • Add missing validation for id being a reserved field handle. #7005 by @jasonvarga
  • Fix Replicator/Grid/Bard not displaying newly added items after saving. #7000 by @jasonvarga
  • Reset asset pagination when moving to another folder or container. #6997 by @jasonvarga


November 2nd, 2022

What's new

What's fixed


November 1st, 2022

What's new

  • Added a confirmation modal for selecting the origin site when creating an entry localization. #6943 by @arthurperton
  • Add Turkish translation. #6963 by @sineld
  • The delimiter can be configured for Form CSV exports. #6964 by @theLeroy

What's improved

  • Improve configuration options for the slug fieldtype. #6978 by @jackmcdade
  • The first modifier now supports associative arrays. #6977 by @royvanv

What's fixed

  • Clicking the "toggle all" checkbox will select the proper amount of items if max selections have been restricted. #6816 by @ncla
  • Prevent the assets:meta command from wiping data. #6854 by @ncla
  • The @nocache Blade directive properly handles additional data passed to it. #6934 by @jacksleight
  • Fix compatibility with Laravel's Str::slug() method. #6981 by @jasonvarga
  • Fix Runtime Antlers issue when using recursion in the nav tag. #6968 by @JohnathonKoster
  • Fix the relative modifier's "extra words" parameter. #6976 by @jacksleight
  • Fix subtraction in Antlers. #6970 by @JohnathonKoster
  • The entry publish form will be updated with server-side values on save. #6842 by @arthurperton
  • Replace deprecated utf8_encode method usage. #6823 by @krzysztofrewak


October 26th, 2022

What's improved

What's fixed


October 20th, 2022

What's new

What's fixed