Release Notes

Stay up to date with the latest Statamic changes.
To see what's in development, check out the roadmap.


July 5th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


June 30th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


June 13th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


June 9th, 2022

What's new

What's fixed


June 8th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

  • Asset filenames are now lowercased by default. #6031 by @jesseleite
  • The CP text direction is based on the selected site instead of the default. #6154 by @jasonvarga

What's fixed


June 2nd, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


May 18th, 2022

What's improved

What's fixed


May 10th, 2022

What's improved

What's fixed


April 29th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


April 21st, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


April 20th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed

  • Fix issue where adding an image to Bard will make an needless, erroring AJAX request. #5864 by @fdabek1
  • Fix issue where the terms fieldtype filters out too much. #5865 by @jasonvarga
  • Fix group_by modifier not working with grids. #5858 by @jasonvarga
  • Runtime: Preserve builder instances when being supplied in dynamic bindings and modifiers, or when they've been scoped/nested. #5807 by @fdabek1
  • Runtime: Fix single letter variables without spaces skipping HTML content. #5843 by @fdabek1
  • Fix validation error when attempting to create a taxonomy that has the same handle as a collection. #5850 by @grandpalacko


April 14th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

  • User avatars in the CP header are cropped appropriately. #5731 by @ncla

What's fixed


April 11th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


April 6th, 2022

What's new

What's improved

What's fixed


March 30th, 2022

What's improved

  • The site filter's badge will display the name instead of the handle. #5683 by @j3ll3yfi5h
  • Show a more graceful error when hitting a rate limit on the licensing page. #5678 by @jesseleite
  • The users fieldtype will show the first/last name in listings when applicable. #5677 by @j3ll3yfi5h
  • The "Site selected." toast message is localizable. #5687 by @j3ll3yfi5h

What's fixed