Utility Addons
Text Color For Bard
Adds a snippet modifier to create beautiful snippets of strings. Very useful to generate preview texts of articles.
Roorda ICT
Entries Export
Jack Sleight
Modify the data and tags rendered by the Bard fieldtype, giving you full control over the final HTML.
Realtime collaboration and multi-user authoring for Statamic Pro.
CNJ digital
*Works with Headless* Boost your clients SEO efforts, with this easy to install and manage SEO plugin.
Mity Digital
A XML sitemap generator for Statamic.
Mity Digital
Atom and RSS feed generator for Statamic
John Koster
Provides bi-directional entry relationship automation
Jonas Siewertsen
A Statamic Live Search realized with Laravel Livewire.
Swiftmade OÜ
Clean up unused assets and save storage space.
Let clients choose from a predefined set of color swatches.
Adding favicons to your site the simple way.
Lars Heidkämper
Adds a breakpoint indicator, the current template and more directly to your frontend.
Giovanni Buffa
An addon for managing and customizing any meta tag!
Studio 1902
Belongs to the Statamic Peak Starter Kit and contains all optional developer CLI commands and installable blocks and presets.
Steadfast Collective
Export your content to CSV files.
labor b
This Statamic Addon makes it easy to send notifications to popular chat systems like Slack, Teams or Mattermost. But also email or webhook is possible.
Statamic addon to automatically log all 404 requests.
Stopa Development
Statamic WP Import can import simple content from your WP site
Jack Sleight
Automatically generate a control panel logo image based on the application name.
Matthew Fitzsimmons
Takes the content from a Statamic Bard field and transforms it into a string when updating your search index.
Simon Hamp
Add Heroicons into your Statamic templates easily
Studio 1902
Belongs to the Statamic Peak Starter Kit and contains shared Antlers tools.
Studio 1902
Belongs to the Statamic Peak Starter Kit and contains all Browser Appearance related fieldsets and partials.
Search functionality for statamic that uses elastic search engine.
Statamic addon that saves the activity changes on the website content to Eloquent Driver
CLI commands to create test and sample content.
Jonas Siewertsen
Alec Ritson
Consume REST services in your templates