Nicholas Jedamzik
Auto-Generated Table Of Contents from Markdown Fields
Matt Rothenberg
A Location Autocomplete Field for Statamic V3
CLI commands to create test and sample content.
It’s business time
TV2 Regionerne
This addon adds an image cropping fieldtype, for those cases where focal point cropping just isn't enough.
Jonas Siewertsen
List your latest user registrations on the control panel dashboard
The Rad Pack
Integrate Shopify with Statamic
Alec Ritson
Consume REST services in your templates
Erin Dalzell
Pulls tagged links from your Pinboard account
Handmade Web & Design
Cloudflare integration for Statamic with CLI, static caching integration and control panel integration.
Duncan McClean
Allow users to create, update & delete entries from the front-end of your site
Apps with love AG
Input field that can be limited to a max amount of chars and with visual feedback
Gert Timmerman
Push form submissions to Zapier webhooks
JustBetter B.V.
Image optimisation after upload, by command or by manual action
Taylor Collins
Loop through an array of future dates, days, months, or years.
JustBetter B.V.
Creates a database migration when a new globalset is created
Link to anything and everything!
Travis Statamic
Parse and return client device information.
Erin Dalzell
Limit file downloading to logged in users or only allow one download per email
Provide better UX by letting clients choose from position icons.
Let clients choose from a predefined set of color swatches.
Send exception alerts to an email address.
Laravel's array_get() / Arr::get() helper for Statamic.
Osayawe Ventures
Social sharing links for your Statamic site.
An Algolia Places autocomplete dropdown fieldtype for the Statamic Control Panel
Duncan McClean
Clear your site's static cache from the Control Panel.
Grab an image, add some pinpoints, some text. Pinpoint image - that's the name - coupon FWKHUNDRED for 50% off
Define focal point for assets in a separate field
Tim Grochowski
A modifier to hyphenate strings based on the TeX-Hyphenation algorithm provided by the org_heigl/hyphenator package.