Alt Design
Super easy way to integrate Akismet into Statamic
Miguel Piedrafita
Keep your Sitesauce sites updated.
Luke Youell
Utilise (and cache) API endpoints for your Select Fieldtype options.
Michael Utz
Use icons from Ant Design as inline SVGs or Assets.
Oh See Software
A Statamic v3 add-on to use GitHub's Gists to host code blocks.
John Koster
Allows you to extend arbitrary layouts and pass data to your template's layouts.
Handmade Web & Design
Frosty provides easy access to fetch Ajax content in Statamic.
Andy Newhouse
Dark mode for the Control Panel
Erin Dalzell
One-time or recurring billing via Stripe
Jack Sleight
Adds a few member related extras on top of Statamic’s existing user features.
Insight Media
Automatically generate a thumbnail per uploaded PDF asset
Handmade Web & Design
Buildamic is a Pagebuilder addon for Statamic 3
JustBetter B.V.
Have your marketing scripts AND high pagespeed scores!
Manage iTunes Categories and proper XML output with maximum ease.
Subscribe contact form submissions to your Brevo contact lists
Search, pick, and use over 150,000 free and open-source Iconify icons on your Statamic site. A fieldtype for the Iconify framework.
Ben Carr
Turbo-charged link field that stores link text and target options alongside the destination.
Add tiny toggles to Replicator and Bard set headers! Adds a Set Header Toggle fieldtype.
Kade Gray
Statamic Phone Number Fieldtype is a Statamic addon that is everything you need to store and display Phone Numbers on your site.
Insight Media
Manage and display opening hours.
Austen Cameron
Easily add and configure social sharing buttons for your site
Access and display Google Places data on your website using tags.
Generates social media thumbnail images based on the title of a collection item.
A Statamic addon that applies your EntryPolicy's `view` method to entry listings in the control panel.
Michael Aerni
Easily navigate to a shared Fathom site from the control panel
Michael Aerni
The easiest way to create a Snipcart shop on Statamic. Period.
Giovanni Buffa
Aggregate Javascript and CSS files for better performances.
Arthur Perton
Import your WordPress users into Statamic and allow them to use their original passwords to log in.
Peiman Nourani
A color picker fieldtype for Statamic 2
sorta rad
Sometimes you just need a good laugh.